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Member Since:Nov 03, 2016
60 MS Points
I'm an engineering students. Making money.
About Me
Education: Enginneer
Food and Drinks: noodle foodBooks: harry potterMovie Stars: srk,salman,amir khansMovies: all bollywood and hollywoodT.V. Shows: arrows,sharlocks homeMusic: bollywood and hollywoodQuotes: positive empacts
Food and Drinks: noodle food
Books: harry potter
Movie Stars: srk,salman,amir khans
Movies: all bollywood and hollywood
T.V. Shows: arrows,sharlocks home
Music: bollywood and hollywood
Quotes: positive empacts
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Cores of Items in Amazon
Reviewed Amazon
Hello friends, Amazon is the one of the most online shopping market in the world.In this websites there are giving offer to user that will satisfies user poinRead more...
Ae Dil Hai Mushkil Movie is Romantic drama.
Reviewed Ae Dil Hai Mushkil
Hii guys, Ae Dil Hai Mushkil movie is full of romance drama. In this movie as like earlier Ranbir Kapoor over acting is too much and performance wise it was oRead more...
Rustom be a hidden warrior.
Reviewed Rustom
Helle everyone, Rustom is the real life based story .first of all I goona tell you I that rustom is Storyline in the storyline turely saying Naval officer RusRead more...
Nexus 5 - The King of all smartphones.
Reviewed LG Nexus 5X
Hello friends, The main to purchase this smartphone because of its specifications. The processor Qualcomm SnapdragonTM 800, 2.3 GHz CPU makes all the differenRead more...
Kwid the best small car in the market
Reviewed Renault Kwid
Hello everyone,Checked out kwid at mumbai, it is the best small car in the market and alto and eon are nothing compared to it. the engine is great and the carRead more...
After almost a month of usage.simply amazing
Reviewed Apple iPhone 7
Hello everyone, I have bought my iPhone 7 32GB Matte black on 8th Oct just the day after the phone has been launched in India. I have been using it since almoRead more...
Dil ka Deal.Snapdeal
Reviewed Snapdeal
Hello everyone, Im using this snapdeal app and website from last 7 months and I was ordered approx 20 products from these website(i.e snapdeal) each andRead more...
One of the best movie(Bollywood)
Reviewed M. S. Dhoni: The Untold Story
M.S.Dhoni:The Untold Story, first off all Im huge fan of ms dhoni this movie is totally based and inspired by ture dhoni biophic and love dhoni captaincRead more...
Best smartphone under affordable price
Reviewed Motorola Moto G (3rd Generation)
As we know about motorola was an American multinational telecommunications company based in Schaumburg, Illinois, United States.and the main reason to purchasRead more...
Sultan Superb movie
Reviewed Sultan
Sultan was the one of the best movie that I had ever saw, there is not only one reason to define why I would watch this movie beacuase Im the big big faRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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