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Member Since:Dec 23, 2019
0 MS Points
At a prime location at Raj Nagar Extension, Ghaziabad ,on the main road with easy accessibility, G D Goenka Senior Secondary School, is a forward thinking school that believes that within each child there is an inherent potential that needs nurturing in a harmonious way. Instilling a habit of learning to learn is the cornerstone of the education it offers. A CBSE affiliated, Public School is ranked one of the best amongst the top ten Schools in Ghaziabad. A special feature of the School is that it has a special day care facility with well planned activities and structured programmes . The School prepares our children and teachers for a rapidly changing world by equipping them with critical thinking skills, a global perspective and respect for core values. To achieve excellence, G D Goenka offers stimulating environment sets opportunities, horizons and facilitates building of knowledge and skills, in an effortless manner for children and teachers, thereby creating a learning institution. The School ethos revolves around the mantra- �¢�?�?Leadership�¢�?�? which also happens to be a part of the vision statement of the school. The endeavor of the school is to instill leadership qualities in every child such that each child has a story of his own- a leadership story; a story about change, a story that redefines every child. The School presents an example of secularism by celebrating all festivals highlighting the message of brotherhood and peace.
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GD Goenka- Top CBSE School in Ghaziabad
Reviewed Education
At a prime location at Raj Nagar Extension, Ghaziabad, on the main road with easy accessibility, G D Goenka Senior Secondary School, is a forward thinking schRead more...
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Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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