While I was going to the Unoiversity
I joined an autonmobile workshop
in Southern India and worked as a
Manager for almost three years.
I left my home town in 1966 after my graduation and joined PWD in
Nagaland as an Assistant Divisional Accountant and from there I joined
State Bank of India in 1968 and worked in North East India till 1974
and resigned my job as Officer in Charge of a Branch and came to Canada. I was in business for myself since 1975. Underwent further studies in Accounting,
Financial Planning, Estate Planning
Law and Income Tax. Currently
I am semi retired and live in a small
village in the Maritimes. I enjoy fishing and boating. , as I lived most of my time In Canada either
near a sea or a river. Ice fishing
is an enjoyable hobby, building smelt shacks,stabilizing them, making a hot cup of coffe in the
fishing shack on your small wood stove etc. etc. I love travelling. I frequently travel
around the maritimes(Nova Scotia,
New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island) due to my profession.I enjoy
photography as well as Tennis.
Currently I am preparing the grounds for a tennis court. Also
I am interested in wood working
as well as construction of homes
etc. Reading as well as book keeping are in my priority lists.
I love watching birds, squirells,
chip munks etc. Often I go to the parks in Kouchibouguac to watch
black bears.,deers, moose etc.