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Member Since:Sep 26, 2013
0 MS Points
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Sovereign Developers - Bangalore - Don't trust
Reviewed Sovereign Developers - Bangalore
Sweet word during they sell. As soon as sale agreement signed, immediately surprising demand letters. No answers to mails or attending phones. If demand has nRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on stephen001's review
Commented on manjual's review
You must be really stupid to buy fro this builder. The reason all the flats were sold was because they lurred buyers in with an attractive offer. Now when they were 9 months past scheduled delivery date they have hiked the price up saying escalation costs by nearly 60 %. IN other words they attract Read More...
Commented on SatyaVachan786's review
if you are thinking that they will give penalty for delay then think again . if you have missed the timeline of any demand note even by a day they will not give you anything.
Rated on Iwish's review
Rated on SatyaVachan786's review
Rated on vshaleen's review
Rated on promodtp's review
Rated on buyer_bangalore's review
Rated on StupidBuyer2013's review
Rated on venkatesh3003's review
Rated on gorumr's review
Rated on seconds_vk's review
Commented on vijaymelpal's review
This reviewer is freelance writer and looks all his reviews are paid reviews. This review is far from reality.
Just bullshit from someone in the Marketing team
Commented on Rajesh151's review
Cheated for me also same.
FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE BEWARE of this developer they will go to any extend to extort money from you
Beware of this developer these marketing guys already fooled several customer including me and still trying to rope so many innocent buyer to their trap this project can't be completed even after several years because this developer going to get struck in a big legal mess as so many cases are filed Read More...
Fake review, completely lie. This builder is giving us nightmare...worst builder have seen in my life.
Rated on StupidBuyer's review
these people are cheaters
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