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Member Since:Sep 22, 2015
0 MS Points
Very true this is fraud company. I paid for 5 yrs contract. Once I done payment then immediately chaged there tone, behaviour. Within few minutes I realised I made very big mistake. Before transaction they told EMI is without processing fee and 0% interest rate. But in actual statment there was 14% interest + pocessing fee. So its absolutely cheating business. They make all fake promises. Regarding Gymnasium, parlours, summer camp, holiday's booking, pick and drop facility. Once u buy this package ur hedache will start. U will feel like u made a biggest mistake n life. Realy strugling to take my money back. Is there any way? Is there any way to cancel this deal. I will really appreciate if somone helps me.... Huge amount I wasted. I cant believe on myself how I got traped in these cheaters. Bandal and Shinde is owner of this company.. I believe n God..hoping that someone teach them a good leasson..This is not the write way to do a business. Surely it will not last for lonr time. There is no future for this company. .No one should go with this company. If u make deal with yhem u will liae ur sleep, health and famiky life.. u will not anything in returns.. I KINDLY REQUEST To u all AVOID GLOBAL CONNECT and leave peaceful life...
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Commented on own review
Very true this is fraud company. I paid for 5 yrs contract. Once I done payment then immediately chaged there tone, behaviour. Within few minutes I realised I made very big mistake. Before transaction they told EMI is without processing fee and 0% interest rate. But in actual statment there was 14% Read More...
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