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Member Since:Mar 14, 2016
30 MS Points
Hi, I am Gopal Bhoyar, I have done graduation in Electrical Engineering. Now Theae days I am preparing for IES (UPSC)
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Reviewed Tiger Zinda Hai
Fantastic movie, salman and katrina has done excellent action. I will be going to watch This movie again. Latest crises of syria shown ISIS is finished by IRead more...
Instant service
Reviewed Paytm Payments Bank
Hello guys I am going share my good experience about paytm, paytm gives instant service for recharge of any, order also get very quickly before as he give delRead more...
Reviewed mCent Browser
I am using mcent brower but now I will uninstall because I was useing brower for searching but now my view change toward the earning Ms points but this give 1Read more...
Tej making addiction to everyone by give some ?
Reviewed Google Pay
He use strategie to attract student, this app is mostly used by student only, he gives longing ( â‚ą) to student but student diverted from study for 51 â‚ą only bRead more...
Weakest network in the india
Reviewed Idea Mobile Operator
I have much experience about idea network and also price policies.Idea loot me very much, 1 Gb for 250 â‚ą, network is main problem and 3G Speed is also not mucRead more...
Touch Screen get irresponsive while charging
Reviewed Motorola Moto X4 3GB RAM
This mobile purchased by my brother, I used this for 5 days, when I want used mobile while charging , the touch screen get irresponsive, operated itself meansRead more...
Reviewed Jet Airways
Jet airways policies are so bad, when I was booking my ticket, my money 2900 â‚ą were deducted, but I didnt get ticket he want again booking price 2900â‚ą, Read more...
The shivaji university...
Reviewed Shivaji University
I have graduated from shivaji university, so I better understand about shivaji university. Most important quality of this university is its management and timRead more...
Reviewed Honda Activa 4G 2017
It is very smooth to drive, mileage is excellent and is very useful forlong drive also, the suspension system also too much sofisticated, in winter no time toRead more...
Best institute for gate and ies
Reviewed Ace Engineering Academy - Chennai
Ace engineering academy is institute institute in the india and most popular for ies and gate also, teaching staff is very good with beneficial experience, thRead more...
Reviewed Philips BT3200/15 Corded Beard Trimmer
This trimmer philips BT3200/15 is very nice, its price is low as compare to quality given, There are 10 ranges are given for our convienince to cut hairs of fRead more...
Superb mobile phone
Reviewed Motorola Moto X Play
This moto x play mobile phone is nice mobile phone, I like all features like a camera is 21 mega pixel and front camera is 5 mp so as compare to other costlieRead more...
Big campus college
Reviewed Priyadarshini College of Engineering - Nagpur
Hello friend, I tell you about priyadarshini college of engineering nagpur, this college have very big campus and also all types of programs are arranged un tRead more...
Good features with very low price
Reviewed Asus K555LJ XX135D Notebook
Asus k555ljxx135d laptop  having very low price for that features, and the  Asus k555ljxx135d laptop make own mother board, so due to the price is low for us,Read more...
Bad experience
Reviewed Moto G (Second Generation)
Moto g(second generation) gives good performance during First two months but after that mobile phone gives very bad experience. The list of bad experience as Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Not true, tell true
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Followed prani7618 , viki271993
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Rated on 4dxxxyyzz's review
Commented on 4dxxxyyzz's review
This is not true, it is actually good movie, I think you didnt watch this movie
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S Saran (@trozorroMouthShut Verified Member)
Aarti Gupta (@AstrotalkMouthShut Verified Member)
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Alexandria Coleman (@acolem2956MouthShut Verified Member)
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Anulika Mishra (@anulikamishra1MouthShut Verified Member)
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