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Member Since:Nov 12, 2017
250 MS Points
I am lovable and love to experience all good things in this world:)
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Reviewed Fresh To Home
Hi friends, these days I stopped buying from shops as delivering to home fresh, people who getting fresh nearby home can avoid this online shopping, in my areRead more...
Best online store
Reviewed Flipkart
Hi friends personally I like flipkart for purchasing: )I know the cost is high compared to shop but its home delivery is best so I prefer buying from online: Read more...
Very sweet
Reviewed Patanjali Honey
Hi friends this honey is just made of sugar syrup its sweeter than the dabur honey which tastes odd, I felt like throwing away but I used for applying on my fRead more...
Good product
Reviewed Maharaja Whiteline Turbomix HB-100 350 W Hand Blender
Hi friends I bought this product from flipkart for 500 rupees, blending nicely and easy to clean, I am not a regular user but its working fine till date, goodRead more...
Quality is good
Reviewed Madharsha Showroom & Silks - Purasawalkkam - Chennai
Hi friends this shop is very old and trustworthy, I like the quality of their products which we all look for it in first place as always: ) variety of saree iRead more...
Worst college
Reviewed Kodaikanal Institute of Technology - Dindigul
Hi friends I passed out from this college by god grace still its like miracle: ) I am from the first batch of our college so undergone many bad circumstances:Read more...
Reviewed Bhaktavatsalam Memorial College for Women - Chennai
Hi friends I been in this college for a month, my class friends and even my seniors are so good to me so I was enjoying for few days in happiness but later duRead more...
Budget hair creme
Reviewed Godrej Expert Rich Creme Hair Colour
Hi friends this creme I tried on my father hair which came out well and even he got appreciated by his friends but its not long lasting morever it didntRead more...
Color protector
Reviewed L'Oreal Professional Series Vitamino Color Shampoo
Hi friends this is one of the best shampoo available in the market for colored hair, this shampoo has been suggested by naturals parlor expert but its not a gRead more...
Dry hair
Reviewed Patanjali Kesh Kanti Aloe Vera Shampoo
If you need dry hair you can try this shampoo: )It cleanses your hair well but dries out completely thats the only drawback otherwise its good but after that Read more...
Reviewed Rakki Cinemas - Ambattur - Chennai
Hi friends this theatre is ok for ambattur people because its nearby and comfortable to watch with family, it has rakki; mini rakki; cini rakki and lakshmi raRead more...
Reviewed Naturals Family Salon Spa - Ambattur - Chennai
Hi friends this parlor service was gud earlier but now they are running just for the sake of money, you can never be satisfied for what you pay, they never doRead more...
Reviewed Gold Winner Refined Sunflower Oil
Hi friends please dont use this oil because this oil consistency is very thick and it sticks to kitchen walls like a glue in the same way it sticks insiRead more...
Not worthy
Reviewed Spyder
Hi friends, I personally like maheshbabu movies that to bonded with AR murugadass so my expectation was very high, In 7am arivu movie this director gave some Read more...
Reviewed Detective
Hi everyone, I saw this movie trailor and expected to be a lot more funny but after watching this movie I was like Why the hell you watched this movie baby, FRead more...
Mass vijay back with average movie
Reviewed Mersal
Hi friends this is my first review in mouthshut.com so I love to review about my favourite actor Vijay movie MERSAL: ) ; Very nice story but because of worst Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed kcsgokul
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My review helps who have similar kind of taste, if you don't like just go away
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