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Member Since:Mar 18, 2017
280 MS Points
About Me
Education: studing
Food and Drinks: subsBooks: taxationMovie Stars: brad pittMovies: actionT.V. Shows: babhi ji ghar par haiMusic: pop
Food and Drinks: subs
Books: taxation
Movie Stars: brad pitt
Movies: action
T.V. Shows: babhi ji ghar par hai
Music: pop
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Best PVR in Vadodara
Reviewed PVR Ved Trans Cube - Pratapganj - Vadodara
Well I can say pvr transcube is best of pvr cinemas in vadodara. It has got wopping 7 screens in it which far more from any movie cinema in Vadodara. Any of yRead more...
Neapolitan pizza
Reviewed Neopolitan Pizza - Tandalja - Vadodara
Its just situated near by my house, I had Ae really a bad experience there a twice and now I never go there. When I went their first of all it was hot rRead more...
Banyan city
Reviewed Vadodara
A beautiful city situated in Gujarat. Its one of greenest city in India. Its a safest city in the safest state of India. There many places to visiRead more...
Reviewed Roadster
I have a really good experience with roadster clothes. I have been using them since last years. They provide good quality clothes with a really negligibRead more...
Reviewed Chappan Bhog - Alkapuri - Vadodara
Chapaan bhog is dream come true for the gujarati food lovers. all type of gujarati items along with two to three types of sweets and kichdi and kadi, its mindRead more...
Reviewed Neopolitan Pizza - Manjalpur - Vadodara
I would rate it really bad. I had a really bad expiriance out there when I visited there, salads were bad and not too tasty at all, pizzas were also notRead more...
Reviewed My Recipe - Manjalpur - Vadodara
I would rate it as an good average restaurant. Its food is ok, not that bad provides good enough quantity as well. it has a nice place to sit as well, got an Read more...
Reviewed Cinemarc Vihar - Pratapnagar - Vadodara
I would rate it at the worst theater in vadodara. Its seats are broken, not comfortable, nothing is align. Sound and picure quality is also not that gooRead more...
Reviewed Cinepolis - Gorwa - Vadodara
It is different from other cinemas in vadodara. It is located at a very nice location in the inorbit mall. I would say its seats are different then otheRead more...
Reviewed Chandan Multiplex - Gotri Road - Vadodara
As per to me youngsters love this cinema the most. Me too, its an one the oldest cinema hall located in vadodara. It has got nice seats and 2 screens thRead more...
Reviewed Bansal Multiplex - Vadodara
It is located at a nice place near vasana. It has got really nice and comfortable seats along with nice looking three screens,  its picture and sound quRead more...
Reviewed Miraj Cinemas - SWC Mall - Vadodara
It is a good multiplex. Has a nice sitting place with sofa sits also available. Its ticket prices are also really low as compared to the amount it demanRead more...
Cinemarc akota
Reviewed Cinemarc - Akota - Vadodara
I have been to cinemarc akota lot of times. Its a good cinema, seats are good and has a projector cinema. Only problem is that it has a small screen. OtRead more...
Reviewed Raju Omlet - Karelibaug - Vadodara
Presentation is good, but food is not up to the mark. The foods quantity is very less as well as they put lot of butter into it, which fully changes taste of Read more...
Best camera
Reviewed Oppo F3
I have purchased oppo f3 just a week ago.  Its a nice phone with good fingerprint sensor, nice touch, 4gb ram etc. Its best feature its got the beRead more...
Best Vadapav in Vadodara
Reviewed Tasty Vada Pav - Nizampura - Vadodara
The best vadapav in Vadodara is served by tasty vadapav. U can get variety of vadpavs, such as masala, cheese, butter,  etc. The place very good as it iRead more...
Watching Jolly LL.B 2
Reviewed Jolly LLB 2
Really a classic movie. heads off to Akshay Kumar and the co. The movie plot was fantastic as Akshay Kumar shown as a struggling lawyer wanted to become a biRead more...
Reviewed Barbeque Nation - Alkapuri - Vadodara
Food is very good out there. It is not to oily, perfect blend of spices and wit really good presantation. Custoumers can manually order or can haRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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