Coronavirus: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Updated on : Oct 20, 2023 12:29 PM
Coronavirus: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Corona Virus has spread everywhere and has caused worry and stress among people all over the world. The WHO (World Health Organization) has confirmed that the number of patients affected by Coronavirus is 8, 57,487 worldwide and the number of deaths is 42,107 currently and they have declared it as a pandemic. As per the Union Health Ministry, in India, there have been 1,397 cases recorded recently and 35 deaths. 

In this article, we will be dealing with some myths and facts related to this virus.  So, firstly what exactly is a coronavirus that is spreading fear and sickness all around? COVID-19 is the disease that is caused by the new virus, called SARS-CoV-2 that emerged in China in December 2019. 

The symptoms of this novel coronavirus are fever, cold and shortness of breath. This virus spreads just like common cold or flu through airborne particles, surface particles or any person who has the novel coronavirus. It can become severe in some cases leading to pneumonia, respiratory problems, kidney failure and death in some cases. Some emerging symptoms are loss of taste and smell and stomach problems. People of all ages can be affected by coronavirus but older people and people with pre-existing medical conditions are more likely to become severely ill with this condition. Data has shown that it is mild in 80% of patients, severe in 13% and critical in 6% of patients. Coronavirus is really widespread; however, the mortality rate is just 3.4%. 

The incubation period for Coronavirus, which is the time between catching the virus and beginning to have symptoms, ranging from 1-14 days as per most estimates. It is mostly around 5 days. Some infected patients can also be asymptomatic, meaning they show no symptoms despite having the virus in their systems. 

The WHO (World Health Organization) and CDC(Center for Disease Control and Prevention) have given some measures that we can take to prevent this virus from attacking us during this time. They are as follows: 

  • Wash your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds and do not forget the creases between the fingers, your nails and your wrist area with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub. 

            1. Wash your hands after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing. 

            2. Before you eat and prepare food. 

            3. After contact with pets or animals. 

            4. Before and after routine care for a person who needs assistance.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth as your hand can pick up the virus and once contaminated your hand can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose, and mouth so be careful. 
  • Social Distancing- Maintain 3 feet distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. 
  • Make sure that you follow good respiratory hygiene: Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the tissue immediately. 
  • Masks are effective only when they are used with a combination of hand-cleaning with an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water. You need to wear a mask when you go out of your house only if you have cough or sneezing so that others are not affected by the cough and sneezing or if you are taking care of someone who is suffering from coronavirus.

Studies have shown that the Coronavirus can last on surfaces for a few hours up to days so make sure that you disinfect touched surfaces such as tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks. Scientists have discovered that the virus is detectable for three hours in aerosols, up to 4 hours on copper, 24 hours on cardboard, paper and fabric and 2 to 3 days on plastic and stainless steel so things like your phone, door handle, and play equipment are something that you should be cautious about. Clothes are porous so the virus is likely to stay active for 1 day on your clothes, so make sure that you wash your clothes after you have gone out. 

There are also many myths related to Corona Virus which you should be aware of: 

    • You can catch the COVID-19 no matter how hot or sunny the weather is and exposing yourself to the sun does not prevent you from the coronavirus. 
    • Holding your breath your 10 seconds or more without coughing or feeling discomfort does not mean that you are immune to coronavirus. 
    • Hot water gargling does not kill the coronavirus if it has entered your mouth. 
    • Consumption of alcohol or even applying it all over your body does not protect you against COVID-19. 
    • You do not have to test yourself for coronavirus if you have cold and cough symptoms unless you have traveled to a foreign country, people in your area have been found to have coronavirus or unless your symptoms are getting worse and have the possibility to be pneumonia. Only if your doctor recommends you to get the test done, then get it done. 
    • Don’t panic if anyone in your family or you gets the virus. 

    Many countries are taking measures to prevent this pandemic to keep their people safe, which includes nationwide lockdowns, ban on gatherings, closure of schools, restaurants and urging companies to work from home or shut operations for a while. US President Donald Trump has extended-stay at-home measures until the end of April. South Korea has carried out an emergency drill in December to a fictitious disease which helped them to be prepared for the emergence of coronavirus. The Tokyo Olympic Games event has been postponed for a year. The European leaders have agreed to close the European Union’s external borders. Geneva in Switzerland has closed commercial activities and has banned religious meetings of more than 5 people as well as religious services. France went into lockdown on 17 March and they have deployed a force of 100,000 troops to ensure that people leave their homes only for important reasons. The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has tested positive for COVID-19 ordered a lockdown as well. 

    In India, an advisory had been issued which advised the citizens to avoid non-essential travel abroad since coronavirus has spread to 100 countries now. India has suspended visas to foreign nationals of France, Germany andspain23rd March, the government went in for a lockdown for a 21-day lockdown. 

    There are many consequences the spread of the coronavirus has brought and poses a threat to cross border trade relations with China-based companies, which serious pressure on the global economy and the world is likely to face another recession. The Economists at J.P Morgan has estimated that the U.S economy will contract by 14% in the second quarter and will recover to 8% and 4% in the third and 4th quarters. They are also forecasting a rise in the ployment rate at 1.6 percentage points in the next two quarters. However, most governments will be providing unemployment benefits to eligible workers who have become unemployed due to the spread of the virus and no fault of their own. 

    Scientists all over the world are trying to come up with a vaccine, but they have also warned that they may not be able to come up with a vaccine till 2021, so please follow the guidelines recommended by WHO(World Health Organization) to stay safe and healthy.