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Member Since:Jul 24, 2016
190 MS Points
i love to travel hill stations and places.
About Me
Food and Drinks: chicken momo chowmen . cold drinksBooks: ruskin bond cheatan bhagat Movie Stars: arjun kappor Movies: BahubaliT.V. Shows: comedy night wih kapilMusic: melody
Food and Drinks: chicken momo chowmen . cold drinks
Books: ruskin bond cheatan bhagat
Movie Stars: arjun kappor
Movies: Bahubali
T.V. Shows: comedy night wih kapil
Music: melody
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Best budget Smartphone of the year
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro 4GB RAM
Hlo everyone I am going to review a budget smartphone redmi note 5 pro which I am using for my daily basis I ordered this phone from the official website of mRead more...
"Smart shopping site"
Reviewed Shopclues
I write my review on Sophocles.com that has given all satisfaction the customer service is very good the prices are very good the customer service helps us frRead more...
Best smartphone
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi Note 3
A new gen phone launched by xiaomi note3 which my brother got on his birthday the phone sund quality is loud but very loud as compare to the speakers its sounRead more...
Very effective and useful phone with great look
Reviewed Coolpad Note 5
Yes this phone is good for a normal person like me a budget phone with good features. Some basic details of this phone which I liked were 1.camera is almost gRead more...
"Modern shopping site"
Reviewed Amazon
I selected this particular website because its is very good there is no words to describe it and its product and there quality excellent .very reliable and goRead more...
" Very nice movie"
Reviewed Rustom
I watch out this movie because after seeing its tralior and a intersecting poster this movie attracted me so much and that I watch out this movie .and the othRead more...
"careless shopping site "
Reviewed Snapdeal
I selected this particular website because of many false order of product I am not saying that it is not good shopping site but some mistake which they do whiRead more...
"best smartphone with latest features"
Reviewed Lenovo Vibe K5 Note 3GB RAM
I purchased Lenovo vibe k5 note because it comes with latest features in compare to all smartphones with affordable price. I like this product because this pRead more...
"Make living easier"
Reviewed Flipkart
I selected this particular website because of own experience and others like friends relative etc. They all done shopping with flipkart and all were satisfieRead more...
Cool product....????????
Reviewed LG Split AC 1.5 Ton
The AC which I have bought the model is mosquite away it is a very fantastic product which I have brought during summer seasons it has a mode of mosquito awayRead more...
An excellent product
Reviewed Micromax Canvas Tab P680
I think that micromax p680 tab is very good product launched by micromax in2015 This tab comes with a wide screen of 8inches. Camery quality is good front cRead more...
Trusted product luminous
Reviewed Luminous Inverter and UPS
Luminous inverter and battery is very god product and very useful Better than other companies its the latest advanced technology battery and inverter with loRead more...
Smart tv with best features.
Reviewed Vu Iconium 4K UHD Smart LED TV
Vu 40 inch uhd 4k tv is very good product launched by vu company It has best picture quality better than hd quality. It has more features at good price ItsRead more...
Very good film
Reviewed Sultan
I think that after watching it every one in this world can do whatever he or she want to be nothing is impossible for us I like this film very much it had a vRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on Rashmi_111's review
Rated on gouthamyuvi's review
Commented on nilesh281's review
Yes it is very useful for people
Rated on nilesh281's review
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