When the Blue Fairy shatters, what does this signify for David?
Oct 02, 2024
By: royceaub7111
2 Answers
The moment David saw the blue fairy in the amusement park, his goal materialized once again within his framework. The shattering of the Blue Fairy signifies a pivotal moment for David, representing the loss of hope and the end of his quest for humanity.
Nov 15, 2024
By: CYadedav81
The shattering of the blue fairy symbolizes a pivotal transformation, whether it is an emotional release, a destroyed illusion, or an initiation into a different understanding of reality. It resonates with various themes of destruction and transformation in art and history.
Nov 11, 2024
By: HPrrtser93
In lupin 2023,what is the name of the train in episode 3?
Jul 30, 2024
By: burlazafrancis955
The train in episode 3 of Lupin III: Part 6 is called the (Bogus) Transcontinental Railroad. The episode is titled "Adventure Along The (Bogus) Transcontinental Railroad". It is the first one-shot storyline in the series and features a heist adventure that goes off the rails.
The train in episode 3 of Lupin is called the (Bogus) Transcontinental Railroad. The episode is titled "Adventure Along The (Bogus) Transcontinental Railroad" and is the first one-shot storyline in the series.
In lupin 2023, what is the name of the train in episode 0?
1 Answers
What happens while Nic is at his girlfriend's parents' house for dinner?
May 31, 2024
By: taylormspivey8
A highly advanced robotic boy longs to become "real" so that he can regain the love of his human mother. Haley Joel Osment stars as David, a "Mecha" or robot of the future, when the polar ice caps have melted and submerged many coastal cities, causing worldwide starvation and human dependence upon robotic assistance.
Nov 13, 2024
bodyguard series is Vicky cheat on david
May 22, 2024
By: alanmathee
David and Vicky are separated due to his unpredictable moods and PTSD issues after returning from the Afghanistan war. Vicky still loves David and wants to move on with her life.
Vicky Budd does cheat on David Budd in the BBC series. David and Vicky have been separated for some time before the events of season one. Vicky is still devoted to David and helps him. By the end of season one, David and Vicky make up and take a journey together after David seeks help for his mental health problems.
By: RahdeulT91
MAALAALA MO KAYA (TUBIG) – 27 JULY 2019 (Sarah's life story) give the stories.Dear Youth of our Country,
May 09, 2024
By: aimeealarcon70
story of couple Alanis and Hennesy, who will fight for their love in spite of their health conditions: Alanis has a chronic kidney disease while Paolo has gastroesophageal reflux disease. Despite his own condition, Hennesy will refuse to have himself checked just to be by Alanis side at all times, giving her priority over his studies.
Before watching the movie, what were your expectations for a title such as “Crip Camp''
Apr 16, 2024
By: Pinar99
Crip Camp offers a uniquely honest look at the lives of persons with a disability, and that’s due to it arising from a place of personal interest.. The title does a lot of heavy lifting to immediately frame that this is a look at disability from the inside and it’s unlike anything else that you may have seen before.
By: Abdpkr1992
documentary Crip Camp is a story about paradise, how paradise could exist on Earth. “A utopia,” a “funky” place “outside of this world,” full of “freedom, freedom, freedom.” But Crip Camp is even more so a story about how resistant our world is to paradise. How we insist on hierarchies.
in the movie goal how long did santiago live in california
By: mcpecoolskateryt
The Dream Begins, Santiago Muñez lived in Los Angeles for ten years after illegally immigrating from Mexico with his family.
By: RevpkBitoo
Santiago Munez and his family live in Los Angeles, California for a period of time before Santiago is invited to England to try out for Newcastle United. Santiagos family flees Mexico for the United States after his father is unable to support them. Santiago works two jobs to help support his family, while also pursuing his love of football.
The film, The Elephant Man (1980) shows the life of a severely disfigured man, John Merrick whose life is taught with dehumanizing circumstances. In what ways does John Merrick reveal his humanity? Enumerate all in 5 Numbers.
Feb 02, 2024
By: johnasilo216
The Elephant Man, John Merrick reveals his humanity in a number of ways, including: Reasoning: Merrick is able to reason, remember, and speak. Faith: Merrick builds a model of a church outside his window, which shows his religious dimension. Dignity: Merrick is seen as a human being with inherent dignity, not just for what he appears to be.
Nov 12, 2024
Go to the following link, to the Ministry of Education's film database and watch the movie The Book Thief. https://il.academe.plus/sessions/nsrcj After watching, answer the following questions: 1 What is the game night? 3. Choose three sections from the films that are significant for you, and explain what in these sections you chose had an impact on you. 4. Name a central character in the film that evoked in you an identification / other emotion - and explain why? 5. How is the principle of
Nov 25, 2023
By: Liamuriffi
Rudys siblings play dominoes while Nazi soldiers are at their house. In Part 3 This section takes place in 1940 and focuses on the characters struggles under the Nazis. Death is the narrator of The Book Thief, and his perspective allows the story to explore themes of war and death while focusing on Liesels experience as a child.
describe three characteristics of Ron Clark as a teacher tha you would like to have
Sep 06, 2023
By: reminessfalcasant
Ron Clark has three characteristics that I would like to have which is inspiration, determination, and passion. teachers strategies to create a conducive classroom environment: physical design of the classroom, rules and routines, relationship, engaging and motivation, and discipline.
Ron Clark has three characteristics that I would like to have which is inspiration, determination, and passion. Additionally, idealist, compassionate, innovative, and creative. Inspiration because Mr. Clark inspired his students to study well and pass the state exams.
In movie I love Lizzy, what have you learned about relationships
Jun 16, 2023
By: jasonkurtrecamada
they must learn to communicate and prioritize what truly matters in their lives and relationship to find a way back to each other. The central conflict revolves around Lizzys struggle to choose between following her career ambitions and her deepening feelings for Mark, who is also pursuing his dreams but in a competing field.
I love Lizzy is a film about emotional breakthroughs and heartbreaking realities of relationship. It will leave you in awe and realizations. presents a narrative that stirs a mixed reaction. While the film showcases commendable aspects, particularly in its cinematography and acting, it struggles in its execution and depth of storytelling.
1. At the beginning of the movie, Professor Hobby states that "to create an artificial being has been the dream of man since the birth of science." There's probably an element of truth to this. Why do we have this fascination? 2. One of the scientists at Cybertronics asks, "If a robot could genuinely love a person, what responsibility does that person hold toward that mecha in return?" Professor Hobby responds, "In the beginning, didn't God create Adam to love him?" What is implied by Professo
Mar 07, 2023
By: 2282464
1- One is to understand how men came to be and their purpose in life. Men believe if they can create and study artificial beings, they would be able to understand their origin and purpose.The discussion surrounding our obligations to robots is rooted in both ethical consideration and social studies. Joanna Bryson (2010) emphasizes that we should avoid creating robots that we would have obligations towards, suggesting that they should remain as tools for human benefit.
Story line of the movie play dead
Feb 07, 2023
By: greenie12marcelo
Chloe fakes her own death, breaks into the morgue, and discovers that the coroner is involved in a twisted business with a group of malicious and dangerous shady customers. A young woman sneaks into a morgue inside a body bag in order to retrieve evidence that could save her brother in Play Dead, a high-concept horror-thriller.
When the blue fairy shatters, what does this signify to David?
Jan 26, 2023
By: aespich
When the blue fairy shatters, it symbolically represents a breaking from the past or shattering of illusions. This act of destruction signifies a transition, a release of pent-up emotions, or an awakening to new realities.
By: FAldeAli97
Which character you don't like based on movie "Anak ku Sazali"?
Jan 09, 2023
By: hazmirazali540
This is a movie full of emotions almost like Japans Seven Samurai, without the sword fighting. There is one quote in this movie that is remembered by almost all Malaysians and Singaporeans but if i tell you all, it will be spoiling things. Sazali
The movie is about love between a man and a woman, dreams that can come true and a fathers extreme love for his son.. Mahanis father character idont like .
Professor Hobby states that “to create an artificial being has been the dream of man since the birth of science”.
May 10, 2022
By: aldrexbajo11
We have this fascination because it drives us to work on a dream that we know will one day be realized through our hard work and dedication. I agree because human beings are inherently beautiful. For a long time, biology researchers have been attempting to understand the inner mechanics and working days of the human body, particularly the brain. As a result, reproducing this incredibly complex organism is a monumental task.
Professor Hobby says, “to create an artificial being has been the dream of man since the birth of science” in the 2001 movie A.I. Artificial Intelligence. He says this at the beginning of the movie. Professor Hobby, played by William Hurt, also says that the artificial being is now a reality, and that he believes his work on mapping neuron pathways will allow for the creation of a robot that can love.
One of the scientists at cybertronics asks, "If a robot could genuinely love a person, what responsibility does that person hold toward that mecha in return?"Professor Hobby responds, "In the beginning, Didn't God create Adam to love Him?" What is implied by Professor Hobby's answer?
Mar 13, 2022
By: waynjojo1
we can say that adam represents “us” people/humans and God being the creator just like professor Hobby when he created “David”-the child robot (mecha). As what Prof. Hobby response he might meant that, just like God, Prof. Hobby created David also to love his creator or the one who takes care of him. He compared the way of God created us on the way and reasons he created David.
Professor Hobbys response to the question of a persons responsibility to a robot that loves them implies that God created Adam to love Him. Hobby suggests that love is the key to acquiring a subconscious that includes intuition, self-motivated reasoning, dreams, and an inner world of metaphor. Hobby says that the question of a persons responsibility to a robot that loves them is a moral question.
At the beginning of the movie, Professor Hobby states that “to create an artificial being has been the dream of man since the birth of science.” There’s probably an element of truth to this. Why do we have this fascination?
By: 2189423
I agree with the statement made by Professor Hobby that “to create an artificial being has been the dream of man since the birth of science.” This is because the birth of science in humans can be traced to ancient times when men tried to understand the world and its nature.
One is to understand how men came to be and their purpose in life. Men believe if they can create and study artificial beings, they would be able to understand their origin and purpose. The discussion surrounding our obligations to robots is rooted in both ethical consideration and social studies.
By: hernandezrosemin22