The film Apocalypto opens with a quote from Will Durant: "A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within." How does the film portray this idea?
Nov 19, 2018
By: angelicbuie1
1 Answers
In this movie the fighting between tribes, and the arrival of the Conquerors aboard the ships at the end of the movie. They shows "A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within."
Nov 21, 2019
By: mahiVIMALA
What do they do after they have slain their prey
Jan 25, 2018
By: crystalflores894
Jaguar Paw nearly kills the sadistic raider Middle Eye. who kills the captive Flint Sky in retaliation and names Jaguar Paw "Almost".
May 27, 2020
By: Frankzee
How do you interpret the way the landing of the Spanish ship is portrayed?
Oct 09, 2017
By: davidsone0120
0 Answers