Describe the opening scene in Tehran outside the US Embassy. What is happening during the rally/protests?
May 10, 2023
By: melendezema5
1 Answers
The movie begins with a brief narration of the events leading to the overthrow of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi and the following Iranian Revolution and opens on the scene of the U.S. embassy in Tehran surrounded by militant protesters. Inside, staffers are frantically shredding and burning documents. In the van, driving to the site visit — the Bazaar. Mendez and 6 get caught in middle of protest. Tension outside and inside the van. Mendez drills them on their covers as they drive.
May 11, 2023
By: VershaNigam
Describe two event or portrayals In the film that accurately reflects what actually happened in two that you do not put any historical and accuracy describe what happens
Dec 15, 2021
By: latte9872
0 Answers
How is intercultural communication significant in the movie Argo?
Jan 22, 2018
By: samanthacatamora12
This movie promote further intercultural communication between Iran and the West. Iran’s first problem was with Argo’s subject. Iranians as overemotional, irrational, insane, and diabolical while the CIA agents are represented as heroically patriotic. Iran saw the First Lady’s Oscar participation as politically motivated.
May 27, 2020
By: mahiVIMALA
Why was the Canadian embassy involved in the rescue of America diplomats rather than the American embassy?
May 17, 2017
By: catlineferndes174