Bridgette never had time to dedicate her life to have a family. Explain why you think that happened?
Feb 11, 2019
By: mmelendez
0 Answers
In the movie , Madeline and Howard were divorced but they still kept a relationship between them. Can you explain why they divorced if they still loved each other?
1 Answers
When their daughter Oliva dies at the age of 6 from cancer, Howard then suffers a nervous breakdown. He falls into a severe depression and couldnt manage his relationship and divorces her, but over the years they do keep in touch.
Mar 03, 2021
By: tunahan0152
Describe the following character's relationship with Howard, the main character: Amy, Simon, Ralphy, Madelaine and Whit?
Ther all are His estranged friends and business partners. all are think for as their companys future. by the Howard depression company value decrease.
Sep 20, 2019
By: SonalBakshi
Explain the three best friends plan to take Howard's business away from him and why?
Howard, Whit , Bridget and Simon where very good friends, then why did Howard's three best friends want to take the company away from him?
Explain in 4 or 5 short sentences how Howard's three partners managed to take the company away from him?
How are Whit, Simon, and Claire related to Howard?
Mar 04, 2017
By: thealiucrazy