Why did they dig a hole ? Where was it ?
Sep 21, 2021
By: dopre1052
2 Answers
Russell has somewhere to go to the toilet, serving the dual purpose that (a) he doesnt have to sit among piles of his own excrement for a week and (b) no unpleasant smell will build up in the storeroom, which could lead to his discovery.
Sep 22, 2021
By: EiravatiGupta
robbers dig a hole in the storeroom . The hole is to be used as a toilet by Dalton Russell while he hides behind the false wall after the other robbers escape, as evidenced by the line .
By: ApteAnima
How did Russell know about the diamonds ?
But I mean Russell not the detective. Meaning did the rabbi inform Russell before hand leading to this plot so thw rabbi would be one inside man
Denzel asked the rabbi if he knew anything about diamonds since he was looking into a ring for his girlfriend.