What qualities did the Fourth Wife possess? What were the negative aspects of her personality? Did you feel sympathy for her? Why or why not?
Apr 30, 2020
By: joneskennedy995
1 Answers
Fourth Mistress name was (Sì Tàitai) . she was A headstrong woman, her relationship with the lords household, especially the other three mistresses. she is at first treated like royalty, receiving sensuous foot massages and brightly lit red lanterns. master was punished by having the lanterns burned while she kneels in the snow, watching as they smolder.
By: AkkiNirv
Were the characters believable? Why? Why Not? Select two characters discuss how each is either “round” or “flat.”
I found the character completely believable, a woman bound in a tradition from which she found no escape except death or madness. The third wife Zhuoyun is flat character and fourth wife is round character.
How did the director of the film cue you when a time change had occurred? Was this method effective?
0 Answers
How do you think the colors used in the film completed the mood?
2. What details help establish the time and place?
What do the costumes reveal about the characters? In your opinion, do those costumes add to or detract from the movie? Explain.