Mary blalock helps the war effort by doing what
Apr 05, 2024
By: gunnalexandria32
0 Answers
mary blalock helps the war effort by doing what
Feb 14, 2024
By: shreyajacob49
what happened to vivien's money and what historical event is this an allusion to
Nov 08, 2023
By: jawarafair2007
Who Visits Vivien?
Apr 05, 2023
By: kimberly_pescina
What doctor introduced dr. Blalock and mr. Thomas to blue babies?
Jan 18, 2023
By: allicatdm722
Was the priest right in saying that Dr. Blalock was arrogant and vain?
Oct 24, 2022
By: dealese02
Dr. Levi Watkins, one of the first black graduates of the Johns Hopkins surgery program said this about Vivien Thomas: "I think he is the most untalked about, unappreciated, unknown giant in the African American community. What he helped facilitate impacted people all over the world." Given the fact that Vivien Thomas never participated in a demonstration demanding civil rights or filed a lawsuit to enforce his rights, what did Dr. Watkins mean?
What does Dr.longmeyer ask mr.thamoas to do
Sep 01, 2022
By: emaiahenderson4
who were the two main characters of the movie
May 10, 2022
By: 10320
what happened to viviens money and what historical event is this an allusion to?
May 06, 2022
By: brehonykylie
Why do you believe the director of Something the Lord Made chose to make this film?
May 05, 2022
By: kbrehony2134
How does Vivien respond to Dr. Blalock’s remarks at the banquet?
Who comes to talk Dr. Blalock out of surgery on the Saxon baby?
What does Mrs. Blalock do to help the war effort?
How long have Dr. Blalock and Vivien been working together?
Why does everyone stare at Vivien as he goes through the hall?
what happened to Vivien''s money and what historical event is this an allusion to?
In the Blalock/Thomas team effort did one of the team members benefit more than the other?
Mar 30, 2022
By: 24coolsav
what was vivian thomas profession at the beggining of the movie
Mar 07, 2022
By: 128539
1 Answers
7.How would you feel if you were Vivian on the night of the award ceremony in honor of Dr. Blalock? Why?
Feb 17, 2022
By: pminhas9003