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Member Since:Apr 09, 2016
50 MS Points
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If we just talk about it is the waste of money..
Reviewed Nokia C3 01 Gold Edition
If you wannaa buy a small households  mobile  for    mom or someone  else beyter to look out for a smasung phone.if ylu buy a nokia c series it gotta waste yoRead more...
Not so good
Reviewed iBall Slide i701
Well if to talk about it, it would be a waste of time.worst features ever.the main problem is about the processing.i mean you can just sit beside for 1 hour uRead more...
Not as expected
Reviewed Nokia Asha 503
Well its a worst mobile I used. It is the most irritating phone.when you compare its processing., it is a long time well in that time you can enjoy a lunch, wRead more...
Reviewed Bajaj CFL Bulbs
The most irritating thing about it is that it goes off its life in very short period of time.even if dont give up hope on it and buy a new one the same thing Read more...
Not nice
Reviewed Nokia C3 01 Touch and Type
Well not good man not good.if you are looking at wasting your money here it is, you can easily do it.the touch and type feature is not helping at all, you canRead more...
Not.....good at all
Reviewed Rocky Handsome
Seriously, nothing interesting in the movie .well at the starting of movie you would guess about some kind of love story but just after a  short time  you comRead more...
Dont buy this phone
Reviewed Nokia 114
Its good at starting but qith use in one month or less it goes on worse.seriously, I wanted to buy a good phone for my mom, I trusted bokia 114, but later I cRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
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