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Member Since:Apr 18, 2017
240 MS Points
Humen, that's it
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Best bajaj bike ever
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 200NS
This is the best of bajaj There are lots of bajaj bike but pulser series have there own teate Pulser 135 Pulser 150 Pulser 180 Pulser 200 Pulser 220 NoRead more...
Good bike with not good experience
Reviewed Hero Honda Passion Pro
This bike is good had purchased this bike in 2009 for around 53000 somthing But I had faced many problem in it. Firstly its milage. Accordung to company theRead more...
Rethink what phone can do
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
One of the best smartphone of 2016 Best ever display I had ever seen on any smartphone Specification 5.5 inch dusplay 12m.p dual pixel camera Fast chargiRead more...
Bakwaas site for shoping
Reviewed Shopclues
I had a very worst experience with shopclues I will not recommend anyone purchase from here When first time I order from here my I recieved not working prodRead more...
Good City bike
Reviewed TVS Star City Plus
Tvs are now making milage oriented bike To attract customer Tvs star city is one of them average looking bike with decent enough power My mama ( uncle) hasRead more...
Rethink about NAVI
Reviewed Honda Navi
Honda has made some diffrent kide of two wheeler Called Some people hate them because of its style and little bit more stuff But wait I think this gona worRead more...
Nice car in this price braclet
Reviewed Tata Tiago
Tata tiago is good looking car I suggest not to see in pictures See this in real world When I saw this car first time I dont believe this car is manufacturRead more...
Best entrylevel luxery car
Reviewed BMW 3 Series 2016 320d M Sport
Luxery car manufacturer BMW launched its 3 series in new varient called M Sport Actully this M sport mean the extra power, Previous 320d generate 178 BHP inRead more...
Good phone
Reviewed Apple iPhone 6
Apple is one of the inovative company interms of technology When they launch I phone 6 there is big change from previous generation I phone 5 and I phone 6 Read more...
Reviewed Nokia N72
I purchased this phone in 2008 This phone look premium in everyonece hand 2MP back camera is O.k - O.K Symbion operating system is outdated As of now no oRead more...
Good experience
Reviewed My Bike - Bhopal
A good experience in this showroom I had purchased hero honda pasion pro from there The service I recieved from here is very good There sales person tell mRead more...
Best SUV car
Reviewed Mahindra XUV500 AT W10 FWD
Best SUV ( sports utility vehicle) If you didnt heard it this XUV 500, you problelly not came out from your house sinse last 6-7 years The cheetah inspired Read more...
Yes Yamaha
Reviewed Yamaha RX100
Yamaha RX100 If you dont know this bike, you are definetly not living in india, RX100 was one of the best selling and powerful bike at that time And still Read more...
Value for money
Reviewed Honda Activa 3G
Honda activa is one of the beat selling scooter in india Specially girl preffer this vehicle becouse of its easy ti ride and low hight and light weight It hRead more...
Good cinema within city
Reviewed Jyoti Cineplex - M.P. Nagar - Bhopal
Jyoti ciniplex is good in every aspect Its seats are comfortable. Air conditioner works well , as of now bhopal temp is more than 40 degree but you did not fRead more...
Nice place to eat
Reviewed Milan Complete Food Joint - Maharana Pratap Nagar - Bhopal
Good and delicious food is everyonce need and demand And when we are talking good foods places in bhopal we cant end up without talking about milan I dont kRead more...
Average phone with good battery life
Reviewed LG G3 Beat
I am using this phone from last 2 years But frenkly speaking u didnt like this phone I bought this phone only because I dont want to buy samsung phone SpecRead more...
Best Comuter bike in 150 cc
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
I am using this bike since 5 years and still it runs like a new one Its have the smoothest engine in 150 cc segment Its have around 13 BHP and milage is alsRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
Yes its giving me 55 per leter But average is all depend on how you ride your bike
Satish Anandan (@satishanandanMouthShut Verified Member)
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Shalini Pandey (@filmyshaliniMouthShut Verified Member)
Kakinada Srinivasa Rao (@srinukakinada93MouthShut Verified Member)
ShaDaB Mobile Center (@akhtarniaxi99MouthShut Verified Member)
Pankaj Kumar (@Pankaj0432MouthShut Verified Member)
Pushpanjali Banerji (@AstroJudgeMouthShut Verified Member)
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AyÅŸe Kuzucu (@aysekuzucu74MouthShut Verified Member)
Akashaditya Lama (@akashadityalamaMouthShut Verified Member)
Shaikh Adnan Sami (@shaikhadnansami4MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 11