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Member Since:Dec 16, 2012
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Auto is better than tata nano..
Reviewed Tata Nano
If your planing to buy a tata nano and  ur budget is tight.I suggest u to buy an auto not these worthless tata nano it aint worth 1.5 lakh. All those goRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on own review
@prathemesh tatnao is stupid car..tataratan himself admits he made a mistake making nano the chepest car..wt more do u want...u people pollut our country by bying tata cars...it emmits lotta black smoke... good luck with ur new car...god help u
Commented on kabriskhalis's review
Rated on SAMSUNGS4's review
@ shblr92 didn't lie abt anything over here.. All I said was Tata nano is useless car not worth spending 1.5 lakh !! N if ur talking abt the cars tht I own I ain't lying !! I don't have to prove it to anyone!! N ur always welcome to check my car garage.. Unlike u people I don't use fake random I'd i Read More...
@john1990 a** holes like u can afford only Tata tas not my problem.. I said Tata nano is a bad car n m portrait as a psycho u loser can't afford to buy a better car!!! So u find tata is the numbr one car maker in india!! Lol so u found Internet as a medium to take all ur frustration!! Good luck with Read More...
@mss1 i think u never driven a car..y dont u try driving a maruti 800 n compare it with tata.. in tata u cant see the road..all tata cars are built like tht even Chevrolet cars are the same..both bad car company!! in india trust me u wanna see the road while driving coz of the pathetic road conditio Read More...
@shblr92 so true so many are against me coz... They can afford only Tata ..so it's not my problem.. Coz for Tata vehicle all are cheaply built.. No resale value.. Even most of the 2nd hand dealers don't sell Tata 'they said nobody buys n we don't get any profit out of it' no resale value!! New CEO t Read More...
Rated on vijaykdp's review
Commented on hkagrawal0's review
so true sir..there is second hand dealer rght next to my house..he has atleast 10 2011 -2012 models..tata nano cars for sale..he said nobody would buy the car coz its a tata made..its a total waste of garage space..all the 10 cars had numerous problems so the owners had dumbed the car in his garage Read More...
Rated on hkagrawal0's review
@arun2mohan god grace I have a great life thts the reason y I'm not using Tata nano.. I don't fancy foreign brand car coz I have a Vw Jetta n Audi a6 In my garageI was looking forward to buy a small car for city use for me n my wife ..we ended up in Tata showroom .. These Tata nano looks like autos Read More...
davuluri? seriously one cant adjust the seat...u can only move forward n backward..u cant adjust the height of the tatanano car seats..i checked in the showroom...
Rated on harisid199's review
Commented on harisid199's review
another fake review
seriously u should try driving other cars brother...smooth clutch excuse me??? lol smooth clutch it seems..lol..i agree its a car for the middle class..am one!! bt i would still say to all those people who wanted to buy tata product plz dont buy!!! tas all i can say..
Lol say wt wtever u want.. Tata is bad car company...I suggest people not to buy any Tata cars.. Eww Is the reaction from people when u say u have a Tata car!!
Ok.. Buy Tata nano or Tata product if u want to I'm not stopping anybody...here..it ur money... I gt friendz n family into car business ... Most of them don't deal with Tata cars..they say its the worst car makers In India...they never keep any Tata cars or deal with any .. I have used many cars n T Read More...
Hey ya rght!! U can argue with me all what u want, u admitted urself saying tata is so cheap that ratan tata himself wouldnt dare to sit on or even drive it..he would never reach airport on time...bt the fact is all Tata cars are bad... Even the service station guy never denied that...n most of the Read More...
Ya That's y in ratan tatas garage u can't find a single Tata vehicles.. He uses Honda vehicles.. N other imported cars except Tata cars.. U can google urself n see.. I used Tata indigo for 4 years .. I was regualar with servicing ..it was a new car,.after crossing 20000 km.. I had all kinda trouble Read More...
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