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Member Since:Mar 02, 2012
0 MS Points
Every failure is a pillar to success so I take out +ves from all my lows............ live every moment
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Honda Brio - It really Loves u back <3
Reviewed Honda Brio
Got delivery of my Brio VMT(Urban Titanium colour) yesterday night. Drove it around of 30 Kms this morning both in traffic and on highway. Believe me this is Read more...
Reviewed Whitefield Honda - Shivajinagar - Bangalore
Honda is a very good brand and has made some really awesome cars. But for sales I feel they are not concentrating much (unlike Toyota and Hyundai). The only Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on tuhinchakravorty's review
I too am facing same issues with KK Indane and guys remember IOCL is a Fortune 500 company :P LOL
Followed dedlok , uttamjsr15386 , madhushreesinha , sgg07600
Commented on drsdiwan_10thapril's review
drsdiwan_10thapril - so here we all gonna review only the AC??? Do you want that?? Will it be helpful?? Thank you for telling me that AC is part of the car but not the only part :P You are more genius :)
Commented on vyas_amitabh's review
it is a car not a submarine :P
Rated on drsdiwan_10thapril's review
are we reviewing AC or the car? btw its AC is at par with any other car
Rated on ranjan_m's review
Commented on ranjan_m's review
it is issue of services of some dealer... it is not review of the Car... post it in proper section
Commented on own review
Nice one ritesh.. you are correct.. but you need to think what you need from your car and your usage. Petrol Engines - Petrol is costly , engine maintenance is less, price of car is less Diesel Engines - Diesel is cheap, Engine maintenance cost is more, price of the car is more People now a d Read More...
Rated on skant's review
ag2510- Out of your experience can you suggest me the best place where I can service my honda car?
Thanks neelabh :) Now I have driven this car close to 100Kms .. mostly in city. I am getting around 12-13 Kmpl mileage also the eco indicator on dash is very helpful for me (I am a new driver, many experienced driver may not require it) to maintain mileage. If you switch off AC the mileage may go m Read More...
Commented on aaaa365's review
Dude you are genius. Well if you needed your car so urgently then you could have done 2 very simple things:- 1) Stop earthquake in Japan (By taking Raj Thakre who will not allow earthquake to come into Japan as it is not Japaneese :P) 2) Stop floods in Thailand (By taking Rajanikanth with you who Read More...
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