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Member Since:Aug 26, 2016
960 MS Points
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Very refined and healthy oil
Reviewed Saffola
Suffola oil is been the most recommend oil even by Most of the family doctors. This oil has a very low fat and hence it benefits a lot of the consumers as thRead more...
A true brilliant of MSD
Reviewed M. S. Dhoni: The Untold Story
In simple words this is really a great movie and infact a must watch movie to all the Indian cricket fans or even if you are not a cricket lover then also I wRead more...
Very healthy green tea
Reviewed Tetley Green Tea
Tetley green tea has been there around for a long time and I always enjoy to have this green tea. I regularly have this companies green tea in the morning. TRead more...
Must read book
Reviewed Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert T. Kiyosaki
Rich Dad poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki is one the most influencing book ever in my opinion.The book is for the people from all walks of life whether they do jobRead more...
This Fan is not durable
Reviewed Orient 400 mm 47 3 Blade Wall Fan
I have this fan installed at my office and initially it was very good but after 6 months the problems started. The OSC of the fan is not working now I am unaRead more...
Always Good
Reviewed Aquafina
Aquafina is a mineral water company which I think is the best know after bisleri. Its very pure and I have never had any bad experiences with it so far. The Read more...
Videocon FA 55 not so good
Reviewed Videocon FA 55
We had bought Videocon FA 55 8 years back, the good news is that its still working. Although the product is good and sustainable there are lots of issue that Read more...
Don't waste time and money
Reviewed Paidverts
Paidvert is another PTC sites that is recently been introduced and do not have a very good history. There is also a news that lots of people have actually loRead more...
Shine.com not so good
Reviewed Shine
Shine.com is basically a job portal where the candidate can apply for a job and can get the job as well. Shine.com according to me has been badly failed, wheRead more...
Worpress.com for bloggers
Reviewed WordPress
Worpress.com is a blog web hosting service provider owned by automattic. This is a platform provides free blog hosting for registered users and is financiallyRead more...
Reddit - Social media and news
Reviewed Reddit
Reddit is social media, social news and discussion website, you can sign up and get lots of great content and useful information on this website. But I wouldRead more...
Bing by Microsoft
Reviewed Bing
Bing is an web search engine from Microsoft, Its currently second largest search engine after google. Google is no doubt the best search engine, when you comRead more...
Stackoverflow.com for software developers
Reviewed Stackoverflow
Stack overflow is an web platform for users to ask and answer questions along with that every user has his/her own profile where they can up vote or down voteRead more...
Blogger.com from google
Reviewed Blogger
Blogger is an blog publishing service that allows multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. The best part of the Blogger.com is that you can get the customRead more...
GitHub.com for programmers
Reviewed Github
Git Hub is a web based GIT repository.It provides access control and several collaboration features such as bug tracking, task management, feature requests anRead more...
IMDB.com for movies review
Reviewed Imdb
IMDB is an website which allows you to view all the movies, television and even video games reviews. Imdb allows the users to rate the movies in the scale of Read more...
Great tool - free calling
Reviewed Skype
Skype is a tool owned by Microsoft where you can share messages, do a skype video/voice call and also share a computer screen while in the call. The applicatRead more...
Movie is lacking emotionally
Reviewed Freaky Ali
Not a good movie, although the acting of Nawazuddin was entertaining as always but the direction was not good at all. The worst hit was in the direction, nonRead more...
Gmail is a necessity
Reviewed Gmail.com
Gmail now has gone way beyond usefull , its now a necessity. They have 15 gb as free storage space , let me tell you that its a lot of space. On almost all tRead more...
Best os period
Reviewed Ubuntu Linux
I have used ubuntu version 15 debian and I have to say that it the best operation system that I have used. Well most the users are initially coming from the Read more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
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Dinesh Sahu (@dineshnipetMouthShut Verified Member)
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Noordeep Sandhu (@noordeepMouthShut Verified Member)
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Pankaj Jadhav (@pankajjadhav495MouthShut Verified Member)
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Debasish Halder (@debasishalderMouthShut Verified Member)
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Harkamal Singh Sidhu (@hny302MouthShut Verified Member)
Tejal Shah (@tshah12MouthShut Verified Member)
Sunil Narayan Chitte (@sunilchitteMouthShut Verified Member)
Rajiv E (@rajiv22MouthShut Verified Member)
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Om Singh Knowledge Tank (@omsingh1553526MouthShut Verified Member)
Rahul bhanker (@Rahul48868548MouthShut Verified Member)
Sunil Badgujar (@sunilbadgujar90MouthShut Verified Member)
Vikram Bhanot (@vikrambhanot61MouthShut Verified Member)
Arkay (@RxonlineMouthShut Verified Member)
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Nag D (@seshunagaMouthShut Verified Member)
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Ashu Tosh Kumar (@ASHUkr2063MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ravi_Kapudia (@Ravi_KapudiaMouthShut Verified Member)
Prasanna Dommu (@POBox5843MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 11
Manoj Kumar (@GreenDartMouthShut Verified Member)
Soha Elbadry (@sohaelbadry25MouthShut Verified Member)
kiran (@pkirankumar06MouthShut Verified Member)
Aneel Khokhar (@aneelkhokhar27MouthShut Verified Member)
Prashant Kumar (@pk927708MouthShut Verified Member)