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Member Since:Apr 30, 2008
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Country Vacations,Country Club- Fraud@Pune
Reviewed Country Vacations - Pune
Following is the description of the Incident that I have gone through with a company called “Country Vacations, A Division of Country On 30/3/08, I got a calRead more...
Country Vacations, Country Club - Cheating in Pun
Reviewed Country Vacations - Hyderabad
Following is the description of the Incident that I have gone through with a company called “Country Vacations, A Division of Country Club(I) Ltd. On 30/3/08Read more...
Really bad school
Reviewed Elpro International School - Pune
Our experience with Elpro International School has been nothing short of disappointing. The teachers display extremely rude and unprofessional behavior, whichRead more...
Rated on yk2008's review
Rated on tsangeeta's review
Rated on aniroy4ever's review
Rated on shailesh_k375's review
Commented on shailesh_k375's review
This is a fraud and this user is an employee of the company
Rated on allenjohn725's review
Commented on allenjohn725's review
Complete Fraud...Cheater...Guy please do something to stop such nosense companies
Rated on rajivmehta001's review
Commented on rajivmehta001's review
This is the post from the company itself. Please do not fall in trap
Commented on own review
Hi Guys, Finally, I got confirmation from my bank ICICI Bank today that I Will be getting my money back. Thank all you guys. Please reach out to me in case any guys who are stuck like me.
Hi Rakshak, Please contact me or give me your contact details. I would really be thankful to you for your help on this.
Rated on aloktiwari's review
You are absolutely right. I have send the complaint to many media agencies, Government officers But Everything is in vain. You will see Country Club and Country Vacation Ad on TOI almost every week. Now a days, That Fraud(MR. Rajeev Reddy) is coming on TV too. It is going all money and money. Whe Read More...
It can make a difference only when we get united and fight for the common cause everywhere we see some wrong. Mouthshut is one of these initaitives. I will defenitely try my level best to get my money back as well as making their a 'FRAUD'. I will be keep you posted on this. I loved some of your t Read More...
First of all I thank you for spending time reading it and giving a long comment. I do agree with some of your points. But You someway or other tried to justify illegal kind of business. We all live in so called 'Civilized world'. But it does not mean that everything and everyone is perfect/ flawle Read More...
I am working out on that front. But it is very painful. I am pleased to know that My review has helped you in making up your mind.
Don't you think it is an oganized crime happening ? We can be alert but to what extent. Anybody can be fooled if there is no authoritative control over the product and services. Donot we see all this going on in INDIA. AVOIDING is not a SOLUTION, What I feel on this. We need to have proper regula Read More...
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