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Member Since:Jul 05, 2009
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Grande Punto - An all in one package
Reviewed Fiat Grande Punto
I had heard a lot about this car from Fiat and was waiting for its arrival. Took a test drive of the MJD Emotion pack model and Indica Vista Quadrajet Aura. Read more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on SudheerM's review
Dude, you have also faced the issue with the reverse light. I think there is a design issue there. I am also facing similar issue where the reverse light has come out from the left side. I have seen this issue with almost 50% of the Punto that I have seen on road. I had already made a complaint Read More...
Commented on sandeepmishra939's review
The car is heavy and strongly built so 1.2 would be slugginsh anyways. I am owning a 1.3 MJD Emotion since almost an year and I am not facing many of those issues as you mentioned. a) Yes, the plastic quality is not very good but not so bad either.Its much better than Tatas and Marutis. b) I agre Read More...
Commented on dlahiri0401's review
just go by the manual. things mentioned there are optimal for the vehicle.
Hi Debanjani, Didn't you get an owner's manual from the dealer? That manual does mention the tyre pressure details. It actually depends on the model and the tyres that you have. For Emotion (175/70 R14), it is 30.5 (Front) and 32 (rear) with moderatre load. With full load it is 31.5 and 33.5 i Read More...
Hey, thats a great news. I knew FIAT people will be courteous and would fix it asap. This is what was missing from FIAT couple of years back - The after sales service. And they have taken care of it very well this time. So, how are you finding the car now? I hope you would be enjoying this won Read More...
Hi, Good to hear that you got the right guys now to look over your Punto. I am quite sure that FIAT engineers will rectify the problems quickly. As I told you FIAT is very serious on the customer service this time. This is their best chance to get a hold of Indian market so they won't miss it. Read More...
I am also owning Grande Punto Diesel Emotion model since 1 and a half month and I haven't faced any issue with that. I haven't noticed any problem with the car. I know 3 more people who own this car and they are happy with it. Only one of them had a faulty headlight switch which was replaced by the Read More...
Commented on keshav's review
Nipun, Do you think reaching 0-100 Km/hr faster is the only criteria to make a verdict on a car? FYI, variuos reviews on net say that the MJD goes 0-100 in 13.6 to 17.86 sec. I don’t know whats the correct value for that. I think when you are buying a car you have to consider lot more factor Read More...
Commented on own review
Hi Nipun, Do you think reaching 0-100 Km/hr faster is the only criteria to make a verdict on a car? FYI, variuos reviews on net say that the MJD goes 0-100 in 13.6 to 17.86 sec. I don't know whats the correct value for that. I think when you are buying a car you have to consider lot more facto Read More...
Got my minimal Grey Grande Punto yesterday. It was catching attention of everyone on the road. I could feel that 'Bold new drive' yesterday :-)
I have seen all the colors. I think silver (minimal grey) is better and royal looking . You would have seen Linea in that color. Don't worry minimal grey is looking very good on Punto.
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