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Member Since:Oct 27, 2012
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Arattukulam Developers Review
Reviewed Arrattukulam Developers - Bangalore
Arattukulam Review - One of my friend referred me to Arattukulam Developers and I am really glad that he did.After going through several other projects and fiRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Any kind of constructive criticism is appreciated unlike people who just write filth on the internet. Shyjus I am sorry to hear what has happened to you. You better visit the builder and ask them to fix it or at least ask them to look into the matter. Vishwanath you must understand that Read More...
Jhony_joseph How can you call me an insider when I myself am urging people to visit where I live. None of the residents in Royal Manor have any complaint about the builder. You're more than welcome to visit this project and talk to all of us. Instead of just posting jargon please try to post Read More...
For more information on Aratt Firenza you can follow this topic http://www.indianrealestateforum.com/real-estate-bangalore/t-aratt-firenza-e-city-prelaunch-54762.html
Aratt is actually a good builder. I am staying in of their projects in HSR layout called Royal Manor and my brother has invested in their project in whitefield. You should visit this project to get an idea of the builder,talk to the residents and decide for yourself. The apartments are very big and Read More...
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