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Member Since:Apr 03, 2011
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Master in online shopping cheating:BagIt Today
Reviewed BagItToday
I have just received a bedsheet from bagIt today.com a online shopping company.I placed order on 1/3/201 order id-1018373968 for a bedsheet worth of rs-549.FrRead more...
My bharosemand splendor entered in 12 th year
Reviewed Hero Honda Splendor
Hi guys --------------------------------------------my HH Splendor entered in 12th year , ................................................................it sRead more...
My biggest mistake to buy mahindra rodeo
Reviewed Mahindra Rodeo RZ
I fell in love with mahindra rodeo at the first sight for few reasons: 1-Good looking 2-Front fuelling 3- anti theft lock 4-Electronic console 5-TeloiscoRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on d_ray1's review
Commented on echittimella's review
Very Lucky friend..but it rarely happens
Commented on vkpm's review
Good I feel very happy to know that more and more people are having the same experience as mine. ..truly rodeo is worst in mileage and service. I am getting 26kpm even after 2nd service besides profuse battery leakage and frequent failure of electric start. Here at allahabad service is worst..they Read More...
Commented on saravana83's review
I agree with u friend as i did the same mistake .Fuel consumption after first service is around 32 km/lt and service centre at allahabad is like a road side mistry,the mechanics are even worst.I have run 600 km and found that the rodeo will just increase ur tension,better if u sale it and opt for ac Read More...
Commented on own review
Believe it or not,after first service the average is 30-32.The service centre at allahabad looks like a local roadside mistry, they are unprofessional and were fooling the customer in my front...finally i found many people who just want to sell their rodeo for one or other reason.when i asked the se Read More...
Commented on mit_parekh's review
Iagree,the product has loaded with many features but on road mileage ,performance and durability is imp. After lot of precaution i am getting 27km/l before first service but facing self start problem.What I have noticed ;that fibre body is not perfectly fitted,luk at front indicator........
Rated on mit_parekh's review
Rated on som481's review
Hope that rodeo will give 40km/lt,I would be very delighted to get this but again i noticed another fault in quality-----the headlight dipper switch was not fitted properly ,i myself fitted it properly just by applying pressure over it.secondly plastic medguard at back wheel is has twistted at onesi Read More...
Rated on Capt_Rajeev's review
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