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Member Since:Sep 03, 2016
40 MS Points
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Reviewed Toppr
It is an amazing plat form to learn and work for. Team working for the toppr community is just awesome and professional. It provides freelance work to a numbeRead more...
Ben Hur
Reviewed Ben Hur Movie
Benhur is a recent hollywood movie depicting the story between two friends during the time when Jesus Christ lived. It portrayed a very good drama between twoRead more...
Mohenjo Mohenjo mohenjo Mohenjo-Daro
Reviewed Mohe Piya Milenge
I would regret that the Mohenjadaro is did not meet requirements. Its a historical movie but there is not much shown about the place and actual history. Most Read more...
Okay okay
Reviewed Pete's Dragon
Petes dragon dint meet my expectations. Felt quiye boring. Though it was totally a jungle based movie it dint give the feeling. It seemed like a bull dog magnRead more...
One time watch movie
Reviewed Freaky Ali
It cannot be said as worst movie. It is rather an entertaining movie. As it is based on golf sport people are not getting well connected. But I appreciate newRead more...
Reviewed Sizzling Joe - Banjara Hills - Hyderabad
I have been to this place many times. Main attraction about this place is that the sizzling sound grasps everybodys attention and lasts for a while. It is sitRead more...
Being Honest
Reviewed Big Noodles - Karkhana - Secunderabad
Big noodles stand rite in the heart of city.I regularly visit this place. I started eating there from my college days it been 6 years that I have this bond wiRead more...
New way to enjoy taste
Reviewed Spice 6 - Masab Tank - Hyderabad
I went to the restaurant with my friend and had an amazing experience with it. As name suggests it does have very spicy and tasty food. Restaurant is not rusRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on Dutta1985's review
Good one.keep posting such reviews. It will be very useful
Rated on Dutta1985's review
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