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Member Since:Nov 27, 2018
110 MS Points
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Average Movie
Reviewed Odiyan
The movie Odiyan came up with such a hype that all malayalies were eagerly waiting for this movie. It took almost 3 years for the completion of this movie. BRead more...
Poorest band
Reviewed Amzer Fitzer Ka
I bought this Amzer Fitzer Ka and I had throw it away after 2 months. This band is so irritating and doesn't fit on my hand. It has such a low battery lifRead more...
Heavy visual treat
Reviewed 2.0
A visual treat from Rajni Kant and team 2.0 is really a must watch movie. Should watch the movie in 3D. Rajni Knat is really a good actor even at this age heRead more...
Good phone but laags too much
Reviewed Asus ZenFone Max M1
The phone is good with its 32 gb storage. But the 3bgb ram is of no use. They say that it gives 3gb ram but the phone is very much hang. I cannot play pubg Read more...
Waste of time
Reviewed Karenjit Kaur: The Untold Story of Sunny Leone - Season 2
True story of sunny leone. But the story is so much lag and is of no use by seeing it. I've watched both the seasons and truly I'm not happy with theRead more...
Worst Tab from iBall
Reviewed iBall Slide i9018
I bought this tablet after seeing its brand. iBall. I thought that it would be a good one. But from my experience it is the worst tab I've seen. . It lRead more...
BSNL Slower Than Snail
Reviewed BSNL 3G Mobile Operator
The Best network you can choose if you're a misor. You'll really wont like that if you want a speed network. The network shows 3g but it slower thanRead more...
Not upto the mark
Reviewed Oru Kuprasidha Payyan
The movie is not upto the mark as comparaed to latest films and tovino's movoes its a complete failure. The movie is based on a murder and itz investigatRead more...
Poor tab
Reviewed Alcatel A3 10 Tablet
One of the worst i've seen. It lags tooo much. The display is very bad. Often irritating. Inbuilt rom is just16gb. It has more than 4000mah battery bRead more...
Best mobile at this price
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro
Stylish looking mobile that perfectly suite you. It have a good ram and its damn too speed. Good camera and nice display. Good look. Real value for your mRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
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Moin Ali (@mnzeee21MouthShut Verified Member)
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Prasanna Dommu (@POBox5843MouthShut Verified Member)
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Soha Elbadry (@sohaelbadry25MouthShut Verified Member)