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Member Since:Mar 25, 2016
630 MS Points
I am a student.
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Not good
Reviewed Lenovo K3 Note
I pertuase this lenovo k3 note in 10000 ruppes in first look phone looks wery good. In box I get charger, hedphone, hedset etc. Pros: 1) .1080p display lookRead more...
Not best
Reviewed OnePlus X
I both this phone in 18000 ruppes. In first look phone looks ousome in box you get wall charger, handset, hedphone etc. Pros: 1) .display has 1080p panel soRead more...
Laggy phone
Reviewed Yu Yureka Plus
I purtuace this phone un 9000 ruppes. In first impretion phone looks wery good. Pros: 1) .display is owsome you must like it. 2) .this divice running on anRead more...
West of money
Reviewed Ebay
I use this site for bue a memory card they give lots of discount so I ordered one memory card on this site on online payment than masage us coming yoir diveryRead more...
Do not watch
Reviewed Pogo TV
I never see channel like this idioat channel. They brodcast all day only two or three programs. The program qulity is wery bad and wideo qulity is also wery cRead more...
Good work
Reviewed Hungama TV
I think hangama tv is the best cartoon channel in india I allways watching that channel. They brodcast show are wery funny and knolagable for kids. They not aRead more...
Knowledgeble channel
Reviewed Discovery Channel
I allways watch discovery chaneel its wery usuful chaneel compare to others. In here wery good shows like man vs wild, food factory man women vs wild and muchRead more...
Knolagable show
Reviewed OMG! Yeh Mera India
This show coming every thursday on history tv. We know all about the world but we dont about our amazing india I watch this show every time this shows hRead more...
Wrost cartoon i ever seen"
Reviewed Chhota Bheem
I allways watch a caroon becouse I love that I my experience aboit the chota bheem caroon is not good at all.in this caroon graphics are note good at all. ThiRead more...
Good one
Reviewed Lenovo Vibe K4 Note
Everybody sais that this is good in buadjet so I buy lenovo vube k4 note in 12000 rupess in first imprestion phone looks good inaf for this price range. prosRead more...
Network coverage is low
Reviewed Uniconnect Sim Pvt Ltd
I use this sim for internet usage but its not good at all.some where in village area here not network of uniconnect. Only on citus this network available and Read more...
Not good at all
Reviewed Lenovo Vibe P1m
I both lenovo vibe p1m on 8000 rupesee. In first see phone looks ok but not good disaine at all I give you some info about this phone. Pros: 1) .720p displaRead more...
Good but not best
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J7
I purtuase this phone in 15000 thousant rupesee. In firstempestion pnone looks wery good but not great at all. 1) .display is super amoled so it has only 720Read more...
Good job
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi Note 3
I both xiaomi redmi note 3 in around 10000 thousent rupesee. In first imprestion phone looks wery good. I both this phone this phone and u give you my experieRead more...
Reviewed Xiaomi Mi 5
I both this xiomi mi 5 for 21000 indian rupesee its wey good looking phone like iphone but in inside hadweare is not good at all. Pros: 1) .disain is Read more...
It's ok
Reviewed Lenovo Vibe K5 Plus
This lenovo vibe  k5 plus working like cheep chainease phones. I buy this phone for 8500 rupesee pnone looks like allways like chainess phones. Pros: 1) .diRead more...
Fake app
Reviewed Oxigen Wallet
If you have good brander like sachin tendulkar that app not good at all. I downloaded this app and I recharged to my sim card but I done the recharge but rechRead more...
"You are idiot if you buy this site"
Reviewed Myntra
I allways shoping with online. But u shoping with myntra.com this site wery bad for me I orderd here a shoues from myntra.com dilivery time is wery long I waiRead more...
"Good game"
Reviewed Six-Guns: Gang Showdown
I downloded this game to free. This game created by gameloft and am big fan of gameloft so I try this game. This game is wery good grafics are good but note gRead more...
"West of time"
Reviewed Candy Crush
This is wedy cheep game I ever seen the lavels are wery hard to play. And not intresting at all only first ten leavels are good but than clear jelly and much Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on govindchoudhary's review
Commented on govindchoudhary's review
You need emprovment on writing style and speling
Commented on Sonalsen90's review
You are copied this review so this is fake
Rated on ruddin's review
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