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Member Since:Aug 28, 2008
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My car
Reviewed Fiat Palio Multijet
I got the delivery of Palio SDX ( a complete package ). It all started way back in late-August when I started planning for a diesel car, my daily running is Read more...
Quadrajet Vista - Aura ( top model )
Reviewed Tata Indica Vista Quadrajet
Hello All, Tata released the all awaited Indica V3 or now better known as a Indica Vista on 23rd August. I was already on a look out for a hatchback diesel caRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on arun_vpr's review
Thanks Mr. Dagar. I am planning to keep the car till it will last, so i am not considering about the re-sale now. Regarding i20 i feel that the CRDi i20 will cost around 6.5-7.0.
Great detailed review. The FE ( fuel efficiency ) is really very good as compared to a VISTA which shares the same engine. I have buy a car in a weeks time, but i am very confused between a Palio Multijet & Vista Quadrajet, i am not even considering Swift DDiS. Can anyone help?
Rated on arun_vpr's review
Commented on devaraja's review
Good piece of information. But really the FE ( fuel efficiency ) seems to be very low as compared to a Palio Multijet and Swift DDiS. One question Mr Deva, has the FE increased after the first service or is it the same since the very begining?
Rated on devaraja's review
Commented on bsnaidu24's review
Great choice... Its like a rocket in a straight line... i have test droved the Palio multijet... will be buying the car in a months time... its a car for people who are just interested in shear driving pleasure and car control... once again a great choice Mr Naidu... do give us word on fuel efficien Read More...
Rated on bsnaidu24's review
Commented on smartdagar's review
Good review Mr. Dagar, i hope the FE increases with time, this is the problem when a newly launched vehicle is purchased immediately. There is a friend of mine who bought Swift DDiS with in aweek of its launch, and is still getting an average of 14-15 on Highway, where as another Friend who has jus Read More...
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