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Member Since:Oct 25, 2016
280 MS Points
i am a boy of 16 year old
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Best place (must visit )
Reviewed Mysore
Mysore is one of beautifull tourist destination where we many place to explore now I will share my experience what I saw in mysore . Mysore is mainly famous Read more...
The worst cinema i have ever gone
Reviewed Natraj Cinema - Chembur - Mumbai
Natraj cinema is near chembur station it is allmost 25 to 30 year old . there are all old movie playing in cinma hall . according to me the cinema hall need aRead more...
Best teachers
Reviewed Swami Vivekanand English School - Chembur - Mumbai
A well displined school the school has an noce reputation the school has the best teachers that can gurentee you to bring above 80percentage in your SSC and yRead more...
Worst phone ever
Reviewed LYF Flame 1
Lfy phone is a very bad phone I will recomend you to not to buy the phone yes I also agree that the phone is at very cheap price but I bought this phone in thRead more...
The worst beach i have ever seen
Reviewed Juhu Beach - Mumbai
Once juhu was a nice and a pleasent beach but not the heach has more garbage than sea water and plus the crowd there I think the goverment should do somsthingRead more...
My hole child hood
Reviewed Mitashi Game In Champ
Yes the grapics is bad or it is not as devloped according to today technology I agree to that also but we alway say that old is gold it just like that only buRead more...
Nice app just a small delay
Reviewed Mouthshut
I had started reviewing from the starting of year of 2015 then I first wrote my two to three to review but it took allmost 2 weaks for getting the ms points bRead more...
Nokia the best brand ever
Reviewed Nokia 3650
Nokia comany make phone which is strong and the phone never has any problem for 3 to 4 year ever if u handle the phone very roughly if u take care of the mobiRead more...
Very good product everyone should buy this
Reviewed Sony PSP
I recomend this product to everyone because it is very good it has a nice grapics and it is very cheap according to feature it also has an metalic body and thRead more...
They take 5 ruppess as taxes
Reviewed McDonald's - K Star Mall - Chembur - Mumbai
I would like to say my experience to you once I was coming from my friends home and while I was comming I was feeling hungry so I went ro k star and enter mc Read more...
Nice zoo
Reviewed Mysore Zoo
Mysore zoo is the best zoo that I have ever seen it has very rich natural habitat and the zoo is very well maitained the lion tigerand animal are very acyive Read more...
Very bad experience
Reviewed Shopclues
Once I order a jeans from shopclues the images of jeans on shopclues was very nice but I got the jeans I was very bad product and the jeans seam like it was aRead more...
Very less quantity
Reviewed Britannia Good Day Biscuits
Hi friend when I was or in year 2004 good had very good quantity at very lesss price but now when we buy good day buscit the give a very less quantity and chaRead more...
It just show things which is not of any use to us
Reviewed Telebrands
I thinks this chanel is not of any use one it show any like body slimer , protien which make musule etc and I think so half of the thing are fake and they areRead more...
Serial is bad
Reviewed Uttaran
The serial has been stared about 2 to 3 year before the show only show all crap my elder see this crap and there no laghter and there is no end it has beign aRead more...
My half childood
Reviewed Hungama TV
Hello friends all at their childwood would have seen this like u all also saw all this I saw hungama 24 /7 I used see shichan and doremon half of the daywhen Read more...
I have a problem about the delivery
Reviewed Amazon
Amozon has a delivery problem I had oder a cover for my tab in month of augustthe told it would come after 3 day s and the next day the delivery man arrived wRead more...
I have a problem
Reviewed Faaso's - Chembur - Mumbai
The chapati here are like a jail like rotti the masala in chapatti is good but I have the chapati of here I feel like I am eating a jail chapati but leaving tRead more...
Best movie i have ever seen
Reviewed Sholay 3D
I realy tell I love this movie like anythingits the best movie I have ever seen a movie which romance , triler and the best part are the dialogs of the movie Read more...
The mobile is good for it s price
Reviewed Intex Aqua Raze II
The mobile is good for people who have low budget the mobile has a good andriod system and also has good features it has a nice sound system and it also has aRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Shan Shankar (@vrmsshankar3MouthShut Verified Member)
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Garima Khurana (@garima32MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ankush Mukherjee (@ankushmukherjee007MouthShut Verified Member)
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Pallavi Agarwal (@pallavagarwal111MouthShut Verified Member)
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Sk Golam Nabi (@kssk0444MouthShut Verified Member)
Vishu Jain (@vishu100901MouthShut Verified Member)
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Raman Goyal (@ramangoyal49MouthShut Verified Member)
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Asha Poona (@ashajaspercolinMouthShut Verified Member)
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Swapnil Shinde (@Lodha_GroupMouthShut Verified Member)
Shiny Date (@indeedshinyMouthShut Verified Member)
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Nikhil Jaglan (@nikhiljaglan275MouthShut Verified Member)
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Vasu_Aggarwal (@Vasu_AggarwalMouthShut Verified Member)
Minati Behera (@minatimeisterMouthShut Verified Member)
Prable Pandey (@pandeyprable88MouthShut Verified Member)
Nishant0001 (@Nishant0001MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ghulam Rasool (@gr8570588MouthShut Verified Member)
Faraz Khan (@khanfarazahmadMouthShut Verified Member)
Mahi Tonger (@mahitonger4MouthShut Verified Member)
Surya Pandian (@suryapandianMouthShut Verified Member)
Lokesh Raj (@lokeshadvocate5MouthShut Verified Member)
Shamil013 (@Shamil013MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ruchi bhardwaj (@ruchibhardwaj1429MouthShut Verified Member)
Amrendra N Srivastava (@Amar786iMouthShut Verified Member)
Sridhar Kakani (@usakakaniMouthShut Verified Member)
Nolan (@NolanIscoMouthShut Verified Member)
Madhu Madhesh (@madhu270495MouthShut Verified Member)
Dr Harish Gadwal (@harish191MouthShut Verified Member)