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Member Since:Nov 19, 2012
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Firoj Ali, the founder of Kaafila has a different story to discover. Born on 29th august, 1986 in a family where music is not just a profession, it is a need to survive. His eight generations were serving to Rajasthani folk and classical. His paternal family was in the court of Sikar Maharaja and the maternal family was among the few leading gharanas of Jaipur Darbar. Firoj Ali was n exception to this. Fascinated by the art of stitching he started learning tailoring at the age of 15. Though his father was not happy and always wanted Firoj to learn music, he himself felt that music was not for him. He says, “I was never attracted by the songs which were the part of my daily life or rather my every moment.” After his father’s endless efforts in making him understand about music, he gave a chance to himself to learn the art. “I love my family and thought to take the talim to make them happy and content.” Earlier it was a troubling affair for him. He was very confused in the sargam, lazy at riyaz but gradually he started enjoying all that he earlier felt a burden. Now it was not only to make others happy, Firoj was addicted to music and started feeling it as the most essential requirement to survive. After rigorous training and uncountable hours of riyaz Firoj has lent his own innovative creations on saxophone, flute, morchang and harmonium. He is highly grateful to his French guru Mr. Florant for making him proficient in saxophone. Firoj has an outstanding list of stage shows. He has traveled abroad visiting countries like Belgium, France, Spain Germany and many more. In 8 years of his career he has performed in endless shows with dynamic energy. Firoj started his musical journey with Children’s Festival in Belgium after which he never looked back. The Music Cast in Spain, Folk Festival in Canada, Toronto, Atlanta, Singapore, and Abu Dhabi are few from the never ending list of shows. The world’s largest music festival ‘Vomex’ in Germany is also in his account of stage performances. Jaipur Virasat Festival, Delhi Festival, Literature Festival and Jodhpur Festival were few of his national presence. Firoj is highly moved with Rajasthani music, he feels great pleasure in playing the folk beats. While performing with other bands he desired of having his own band and this dream turned into reality with Kaafila. For last five years Firoj is on his musical journey with Kaafila.
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