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Member Since:Feb 21, 2009
80 MS Points
i am a very simplified yet complicated person....
About Me
Education: B.Sc
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Refreshing tea....
Reviewed Tata Tea Gold
I have been using tata tea for last six years. No other tea brands could ever satisfy my taste buds as tata tea has done. The fragrance and colour of the tea Read more...
Great toothbrush
Reviewed Oral B Plus Toothbrush
Oral b plus is very effective in cleansing of teeth.the bristles penetrate deep between the gaps of teeth and remove the junk.i got cavity in my last tooth onRead more...
Lux soap
Reviewed Lux International Soap
Lux soap makes the skin dry and rough.it has a good fragrance but the amount of lather that it makes after mixing with water is less.also it doesnot cleanse tRead more...
InCorrectly named as Saundarya gel
Reviewed Patanjali Aloe Vera Gel
I have been using this product for more than a year now.but still waiting for the desired results which even Baba Ramdev seems to be claiming in the advertiseRead more...
Lotus apricot scrub
Reviewed Lotus Apricot Scrub
Its the best scrub I have ever used.the size of granules is perfectly matched to the exfoliating needs. The skin gets completely rejuvenated within 10 minutesRead more...
Dove intense shampoo
Reviewed Dove Intense Repair Shampoo
I have a lot of hairfall problem and roughness . Two months ago, I thought of giving a chance to dove shampoo as it claimed to repair hair and stop hairfall. Read more...
Full on masti show
Reviewed The Kapil Sharma Show
This show is only one of its kind on indian television. The impromptu comedy by kapil sharma is mind blowing. The various other characters too are awsome. ChaRead more...
Laurels women watch
Reviewed Laurels Watches
I bought a watch which was looking very attractive online.but after having it in my hand I realized that it was not worth buying.i din t wear it even onRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Followed strikervikas , himanshutoppo , brijeng
Commented on anujjjjj's review
Bought a laurel watch for women from snapdeal......it is very elegant and looks like very expensive.....i once wore it on my wrist and everyone bestowed compliments....
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Shiva Shanker (@Reddy1647MouthShut Verified Member)
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