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Member Since:Jan 20, 2010
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One of the best colleges i have ever seen!
Reviewed A.M.C. Engineering College - Bangalore
This college is the best college you can ever study.there is no donation at all.the best infrastructure at affordable prices.you get a free laptop with just pRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on deletedldeleted's review
Commented on deletedldeleted's review
this is good collg after all what matters is the studies not girls at he end ov d day
Rated on hashid's review
Commented on own review
hmmm what should i do to make you believe that i am NOT from the college ...i just study there bro...i don even know who these three guys are and i swear by it...y cant we meet someday and sort your problems out...i know the value of money...but lets just get your money bak...cheers bro!
come meet me in college....i will show it to you....i have no necessity of praising the college....just becoz u got cheated doesnt mean evryone gets cheated...mayb some1 bribed u to write such a comment....be more transparent rather than a jerk!!!
i just paid the normal semester fees for my computer science engineering course
Commented on hashid's review
this review is fake....i got a admission without donation and a free laptop....cheers!
hey you just can't disgrace the college in this manner...u will have to meet up with the higher authorities to solve your problem...2 lakhs is a big amount but u will have to talk to the right person like the chairman or the principal cause the lady in the office might have also snatched the money i Read More...
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