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Member Since:Jun 05, 2012
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My Review on Alternate Fuel kits
Reviewed General Tips on CNG Kits
I did an extensive research and actually made notes when my dealer told me all this. I will share my knowledge with you. We need to educate ourselves so that Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
Hi Speeedy Singh... please visit www.savingprakriya.in The Delhi contact persons name is on the website. Its way better than LPG or CNG as well... This is the latest German Technology.
Hi something even better than LPG and CNG has come now. Its just too good. Please visit www.savingprakriya.in
Followed devlahiri14 , ruba_cbe , madhusudan2u , goofinaround
Yes.. Matiz is an MPFI car.. So sequential cng does suit it.. However unfortunately your car doesnot have en ough boot space to accommodate even the smallest 12 kg cng tank.. So your only option is to go with Sequential LPG and that too with round tank toroidal tank with 35 litres capacity... Thanks
Commented on roki's review
Hi Rohit, Usually the car runs on petrol till the engine temperature reaches around 40 degrees centigrade. So its very difficult to say how much the petrol would cost in that while cos it depends on the climate as well... in winters it takes longer for the engine to heat up.. and in summers it takes Read More...
Commented on ravriyaproperties's review
Hi Sayyed, Go for a Sequential Injection Kit. Theres no point in buying a new car cos Honda City is one of the best cars even today... But if you are planning to upgrade to a new car, then either go for a diesel car or buy another petrol car from Maruti True Value or Toyota True Value and add a CNG Read More...
Rated on minaxion's review
Rated on hemal13's review
Hi Naren,Sorry for the delay in replying... i was out of station... You can speak to Mr Aditya Kishore 9866355977. Aditya Apple Car Gas Conversions is the name of the workshop. Website : www.applecargas.in Cheers!
Hi Nitin... i so totally agree with you on availability of CNG. I wish it was better!
Hi Tahara, Lovato sequential kit costs rs 52k, if you want to spend 9k more than versus for the same quality, yes you may go for lovato. It's equally good, but not better than versus. Visit a lovato dealer and check the quality and then visit Mr. Aditya Kishore and check the quality of versus, your Read More...
Hi Shashank, any vehicle manufactured in 2010,2011 & 2012 is only compatible with sequential injection technology as its a Euro 4 car. Please speak to Mr Aditya for suggestions on the brand and dealer's name. 09866355977. Thanks
Mayank, no matter which car it is, sequential system is the100% right one for MPFI engines. If you want to compromise on budget, then your car maintenance will go up. In LPG you may think of compromise on conventional because it is a LPG (Liquified petroleum gas) is a bi product of petrol and its Read More...
Hi Rajith, As far as my knowledge goes, Conventional kits are not suitable for your car. You should either go for sequential or not put any kit. Disadvantages : 1.High maintenance for Conventional in your car model, you will end up spending ten times the amount in maintenance. 2. Engine will mi Read More...
Hi Mayank,which city are you in?
Hi Umesh and eme, my kit for Rs 32000 is not CNG... its LPG... I have more of highway usage, so thats why i have LPG in my alto. Eme, As far as my knowledge goes, 100% imported sequential CNG kits with RTA approvals and good quality sequential kit of any brand will not cost less than 50000. Convent Read More...
Hi Umesh! My kit costed me 32000.00
Commented on venky2626's review
Hi Venky, I did extensive research and actually made notes when my dealer told me all this.I will share my knowledge with you. We need to educate ourselves so that no one can fool us. There are 4 types of kits in the market. 1. Sequential Injection(The most advanced and perfect) 2. Convention Read More...
Commented on shri_Hid's review
Hi Shri, I am using the latest addition called versus. Its pretty good. I hope u come up with a good review after 6 months. Just in case you are not happy, check this out too... www.versusgas.com. And thankfully there is a distributor and dealer for this in hyderabad. Mr Aditya 9866355977 He also h Read More...
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