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Member Since:Jun 18, 2008
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An Amazing Attempt
Reviewed Dasavatharam
I watched this movie yesterday and all I can say is a big "Wow". I have gone through many websites and have read many reviews about this movie and now after wRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on ajayan's review
Commented on ajayan's review
Dear Sir, Thanks for sharing the info regarding 'Soft beds and Hard Battles' Now I will try watching that movie ;) Also there is one more title probably which initiated a single performer playing multiple roles. I have mentioned this already in one other comment. Sir Alec Guiness playing 8 differ Read More...
Commented on anash234's review
Hello Aban12, I appreciate you being honest by knocking off your personal view from your review and I like your current opinion. We all agree, opinions differ. Hence I am reassigning my rating on your review. Keep commenting! Cheers, Lax
Rated on anash234's review
Thankyou Kalz. Indeed its Kamal who need to be saluted. I am just a tool trying to appreciate and discuss the performance of one of the greatest stars of our time. Btw thought of sharing yet another info. One of sites mentioned Sony has aquired the DVD rights for Dasavatharam and this DVD will in Read More...
oops Madam oops! If this is your opinion.... so be it! But why waste time trying to vend your thoughts in name of review? It clearly shows you hate Kamal to the core by comparing such a veteran star with TR? Being a fan of greatest performers of the world, I just feel sorry for your ignorance Read More...
Followed rvbbabu
Commented on rvbbabu's review
Dear Mr.Babu, This is yet another wonderful review! I am impressed by the way you have highlighted the pros and cons. I look forward for more balanced reviews from you :) Regards, Lax
Rated on rvbbabu's review
Rated on anandrkashyab's review
Commented on anandrkashyab's review
Dear Anand, I just read your review and understood your point of view. Like everyone agree, opinions differ and we need not be on same page :) What I see on this movie is Kamal trying to mix up Science and raises the question of existance/non-existance of god as done in Anbe Sivam and leaves the Read More...
Commented on Paulsb02's review
Dear All, this is a good and balanced review and I am really happy to see healthy comments and opinions. One thing that interested me is the mention of 'Naya Din Nayi Raat' and its original version 'Navarathri'. However I would like to mention yet another rare title 'Kind Hearts and Coronets' Made i Read More...
Commented on crimzee's review
The following line 'I think we need to move from idolizing a star to making good movies!' made me rate this review as somewhat useful. Indeed Thaz a good point! You did not like this movie, thats your point of view, but necessarily we do not have to pull in Amir on to this topic. Also I hope you kne Read More...
Rated on crimzee's review
Commented on nishana.sujith's review
Well Gentlemen this is the kind of arguement I wanted to avoid. Any ways did you people notice this? Just becuase some one unnecessarily started to compare which resulted in me reverting the question and thus resulting in another person bashin with whom I had no issues. This is Chaos Theory ;) phew!
Commented on own review
This dude Narayanan seems to be confused bigtime. I feel sorry for him cuz, at one posting he says this is a public forum and still he does not know how carefully one need approach and express his views. Okey couple of things You have mentioned I said everything can never be perfect and then y Read More...
You are pushing me to point out certain things further These are your own words 'By shamelessly sucking Western tits, I think the movie is a pathetic description of our own culture & today’s society' C'mon just dont throw words and get struck. What are you deriving at? Why say Software Techs o Read More...
Again, Mr.Narayanan, For your kind information, I am not a guy who is so hooked up to one regional star. and watch your words. see your review and try to understand who need to comments on their own blog, and who need to edit their comment. Its mindless people like you who need to grow up cuz, I Read More...
Mr. Narayanan, Its not me who is so insecure its you guys. Read and try to understand what I am trying to explain to a biased review. C'mon man why would you get so offended when I point out the fact of no logic just magic? By the way regarding the 'cartoon' stuff, read what biju has menti Read More...
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