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Member Since:Oct 23, 2005
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I'm Sold On This One!
Reviewed Rocket Singh
I’ve always cinema shares a lot in common with ‘magic’ – not the Harry Potter kind, but rather the David Copperfield variety. At the start of a performance, tRead more...
Ya, They've Done It Again
Reviewed Toy Story 3
Climax (narrative): A moment of great or culminating intensity in a narrative or drama, especially the conclusion of a crisis. Sometimes, it pays to go by theRead more...
Adventure is 'Up' There!
Reviewed UP
So it’s been a long hiatus. Frankly, I can’t remember the last film that I saw that was anywhere remotely compelling enough to think about, let alone write. BRead more...
Much Ado About Nothing...
Reviewed Slumdog Millionaire
Much has been made of the rather lukewarm reception here in India to Slumdog Millionaire, America’s most favorite tale of hope (after Obama) currently. A largRead more...
The Knight Returns..
Reviewed The Dark Knight
You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.* Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight. When it comes to Batman, as far back as I caRead more...
Reviewed WALL-E
To begin with, let’s get it over with the now-usual accolades – a brilliant Pixar film(whoever expected anything else), WALL•E raises the bar among animation Read more...
A Cinematic Ode to Human Memory...
Reviewed Titanic
The first time I happened to watch Titanic(the movie), I was barely into my teenage years and barely out of primary school. Naturally, what I found to be mRead more...
The Eighth Wonder of the World..
Reviewed King Kong (New)
Peter Jackson’s King Kong cannot by any stretch of the imagination be dubbed as intelligent viewing. It is not, in my belief, made with the purpose of inducinRead more...
Worse Company and Worst Customer Service!
Reviewed Arrivae
Before you decide to hire Arrivae as your interior designers, please take a moment to read about our experience—it has been nothing short of traumatic, and I Read more...
Commented on own review
You're citing Aamir Khan movies - they're (generally) exceptions to the norm! :)
'Hollywood needs to stop patronizing pretentious films' Amen to that. Can't really say 'a.k.a Bollywood' though - unlike the 'popular' films here, The Dark Knight was actually a good film!
Yes, but by the time the end had arrived, the 'journey' felt too contrived for the message to be poignant.
While Ranbir is a good actor, a great actor must be like 'putty in the hands of the director'. I'm not quite sure how versatile he is going to be, but till now he's been very good in one respect at least - he's chosen his roles very skillfully :)
And then there was Wall-E and The Dark Knight :)
Agreed. There was some decent competition in Benjamin Button and The Reader, but ya, the year wasn't really extraordinary as far as Hollywood entertainment is concerned.
Thanks man =) It really was quite annoying to see the extraordinary amount of hype surrounding a perfectly ordinary film, so this one came straight from the heart.
Thanks =) It's my personal favorite from the Pixar stable...
@rsinha: Thanks =) @mumbaikarbyheart: Agreed. In fact, I generally pen all my reviews well after their theatrical release (with the notable exception of an exceptional Toy Story 3) You can check out more of my reviews at http://www.avirup.com/
Thanks =) Yes, I did see it in 3D - the film didn't require 3D per se (and that's something that I prefer actually - no gimmicky effects). The rendering was as good as required - upto the usual Disney Digital 3D standards.
thanks people, the feedback is really encouraging :) Swan: thanks for the gift as well - i appreciate it!
thnx for ur comment dude. n no, it aint atall ne of d copy-paste kinda stuff -wots d point of dat neways? but ya i do read a lot of reviews on rottentomatoes n did my formattin in dat way, but dats as far as i went in borrowin something from dem
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