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Member Since:Mar 11, 2010
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VW polo 1.2 petrol review
Reviewed Volkswagen Polo
Recently my friend purchased a red highline verson polo-petrol 1.2 liter. Well the car appeared to me , looked geogus carrying a huge vw batch., so was reallyRead more...
Low mileage and performance
Reviewed Skoda Fabia - Petrol
I owned a Skoda Fabia 1.2 htp petrol fabia where initially it was good and just after a month from the date of purchase it started giving me  problems such asRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on indiacardisgust's review
fabia 1.2 h.t.p petrol sucks to the core , i completly agree wit ya..., rather than fabia 1.2 sluggish 3-cylender engine , i preffer the 1.2 liter k-series engine from suzuki any time and even the 1.2 liter kappa engine from hundai is much-much preff over the skoda's sad 1.2 htp.
Commented on pundirvikkys's review
i agree 2 pundirvikkys , as the europen model polo is been offered with 1.2 liter TSI engine..which produces over 100 bhp!! , and ours is been offered only with 1.2 liter 3-cylender engine..,producing only 74 bhp:( ..,the same stupid moter ...which we see in under-power fabia...takes a sad ooping ov Read More...
Commented on Studio01's review
hey but the fact is that the mondeo petrol is more powerfull than the c 180 and not c 200 kompressor . anyways the saddest part of mondeo is its fuel effiency ..where in u ll be gettin somewhere around 5-6 in city and 8 on highway :(
Commented on G-raptor's review
nice review keep it up but nothing beats mondeo's ride quality and skoda RS’s performance ..walla touches an ooping 230 on speedo..,
Commented on Rishighsh's review
close ur eyes and go for verna crdi or if looks is not that concern then maruthi suzuki dizere is an other option left over..,and the fiesta ia also good but not worth the price..,and if i were u,would defnately go for the new honda city the S-verson with paddle shift or even try out tata safari..wh Read More...
Commented on pras.oct25's review
ths 2 engines cant be compare with each other ,the ikon tdci just produces 68 bhp where as the verna crdi produces 110 bhp..which is atmost twice as superior.
Commented on own review
tony911 ya the fabia is good in lookin and has a good decent space ,built like a tank ....but..wait ,its just got a 3-cylinder engine ..and produces one &only a sad 69 bhp ..and thats not enough to pull a heavy car like fabia..,and hence the car feels extremly under power and stress the motor resu Read More...
Commented on dhruv_tara's review
ooooo..boy plz dont compare the uneven shaped ELANTRA wit that of the classy and stylish LEXUS .., this korean creeps r only good in copin ..,they dont hav any thin such as there owne concepts...,
hmm...,but i feel the sonata is of mix charactor of merc from front and jaguar at the rare...,man it seriously discourages from buying:( ...this car dosent hav its owne presence ...like ford mondeo or the camry
Commented on mghelani's review
hi, i do agree srininet 1 ,couse the mondeo is much pleasure to drive then the uncle samz accord and the dubai taxi camry.., infact when the mondeo was launched it took over the merc c-class{c-180} ..where in comparasion the mondeo was much powerfull better lookin and is of much of driver focesed an Read More...
Raxx111-ya bro, i completly agree..,the 1.2 one present is,underpower,non efficent..,noisy and rattles lik hell., where as k-series engine of suzuki & iveeh( one present in jazz) is much refined and can rev freely..,
no, bro its the same skoda's 3-clinder 1.2 htp petrol engine ..which ll be offered in vw polo...,i feel really sorry for polo..., i was expecting much from the beautiful looking polo but the sad 1.2 htp engine from skoda has spoilt the show..
Commented on rraradhya's review
dont buy...look out for other alternative...,and its worth wating for vw polo -diesel
ashthedash...i owned a skoda fabia 1.2 htp and sold it too..., couse of its bad fuel effiency and sluggish 1.2 petrol engine, fabia is much-much heavier when compare 2 swift and gets as well as honda jazz ,the 3 -cylender moter under the fabia’s hood is not enough to pull the heavy car..and hence th Read More...
Commented on nivia.99's review
yea ! even i too mis my school days , when i come home sharp at 3:30 and on the t.v , grab a bunch of snacs on at 4-swat cats ,then 4:30 capton planet and at 5 daxters labotoryyyyyyyyyyyy.....he's just chotu boy ,..o my hero...always he ll take spaner and tighten some scroo..o boy ..and just luvs th Read More...
Commented on salsaforever's review
and NO HARD feelings haa CREAPY FU*KERS! hav fun bi*ches
hmm...comeon she,s not that bad ,nor that gud.., bipash looked gud in razz and jism... ,bt seriously looked fu*k all dark bit*h in no-entry.., i wonder wats her orginal complexion.. without make-up hmm? , as far her acting is concern she sucks! no dought abt that, and she's only gud in breathin hard Read More...
Commented on sridharpandu's review
hey its just too... fu*kin long to read....,next time plz make it a little short ..,so that i dont get sleep hearing grandparents stories...,no hard feelings...chillax bug:)
Commented on edassery's review
bro, i completly agree wit ya , even i 2 owne a skoda fabia 1.2 htp petrol ..wherein its givein me a sad milage of 6.5kmpl in city and 8.3 in highway wit 80%a/c on ..and the engine rattles like hell.., and if i on the a/c the performance sucks to the core ...,the car turns into ultra sluggish...and Read More...
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