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Member Since:Dec 18, 2016
190 MS Points
Hi i'm Manish Uniyal , B.C.A Graduate student
About Me
Education: B.C.A 2nd year
Food and Drinks: chines Books: jesus christMovies: Dearling jigrwala 2 and Road side rowdy T.V. Shows: shani colours tvMusic: classicQuotes: love to write on blogs and my websites www.facebook.com/manishuniyal70
Food and Drinks: chines
Books: jesus christ
Movies: Dearling jigrwala 2 and Road side rowdy
T.V. Shows: shani colours tv
Music: classic
Quotes: love to write on blogs and my websites www.facebook.com/manishuniyal70
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This site is not useful for Male person.
Reviewed Lady Baazar
This online site LADYBAAZAR.COM, I have visited on today , my personal thought about this site is not Good because of many reasons, firstly there is nothing aRead more...
DjPunjab is a most wonderful for music listeners.
Reviewed DjPunjab
Djpunjab is a most popular site for many reasons because its provide very fast new songs lists and albums and mostly every type of music is easily availRead more...
A Strange story of Love "FALLEN"
Reviewed Fallen - Lauren Kate
The story "FALLEN" is a very interesting Romantic Love story Wrote by "Lauren Kate", it is the first edition of this these book . Basically this story ConcepRead more...
Airtel Digital TV Provide best Picture Resolution
Reviewed Airtel Digital TV
Im using Airtel Digital TV since Four year ago and its provide me best service as comparison to others . it cant fade or signal out during Read more...
Hosting Means Monetize Your Website.
Reviewed General Tips on Web Hosting Companies
As we know very well every Website need a hosting Medium to Monetize our site. There are Many Methods to Host your site and it is your choice which type of hoRead more...
Your Bright Thinking is decide your Book Taste.
Reviewed 5 Best Books
We know that books is always give you right knowledge as well as it is your best friend, and it is depend on your thinking, how you can adopt it. Basically ERead more...
Distance Education is beneficial for Many Reasons
Reviewed General Advice on Distance Education
As my point of view, Distance Learning is similar As full time Learning But it needs some Special Schedules by you. This is not matter how you have complete Read more...
Flexible Wallet to exchange any currency.
Reviewed Payza
The Payza.com is a international money transfer online Wallet, which is supported many kind of cryptocurrency to exchange with our national money. Basically Read more...
Best production with Average price
Reviewed Punjabi Zaika - East of Kailash - New Delhi
The Restaurant PunjabiZaika is a best foodproductionHub, thereare alsoavailable a lotof varieties of meals and Freshfoodproduction withhighefficiency. theyarRead more...
Better Service But high expensive
Reviewed Apollo Hospital - Greams Road - Chennai
I was reached Apollo Hospital in Last week, im very impressive to see their Environment Because there have lot of advanceTechnology and Machines, which Read more...
Higher Name But poor Quality.
Reviewed Myntra
I have faced some problems when I was used Myntra.com E-Business Commercial site. Because of its product rate is much higher as comparison to Others CommerciaRead more...
A most Wonderful Real Estate home project
Reviewed DDA Central Revenues RWA - Greater Kailash II - Delhi
This Greater Kailash real state project is a very interactive and unique project as to others projects, it is provide many opportunity to give feels as a premRead more...
Vivo v11 pro is a best smartphone
Reviewed Vivo V11 Pro
Vivo v11 pro is the latest smartphone launch in September by the China smartphone maker company VIVO, it is available in 6gb Ram and 64GB internal memory and Read more...
Best sports racing bike
Reviewed Yamaha FZ-S FI V2.0
Yamaha FZ-S FI V2.0 is a best super sports bike,  it is a very good  to travel a long distance  . It is a very good  looking body shap and provide  150cc supeRead more...
A best university for your bright career..
Reviewed Lovely Professional University
LPU is a best ranked university it has a well define education structure and their education environment is very professional . This university provide varioRead more...
Virus is victim to all devices
Reviewed Tips on Anti Virus Software
We all are know that virus is a victim type software which is destroyed and damaged our devices .Its very harmful because many virus software are designRead more...
Tata Docomo want to improve its network .
Reviewed Tata Docomo Mobile Operator
Tata Docomo is a very old and more expressiveTelecom company . Its provide a many calls and internet offers, I agree with this but its not provideRead more...
Reliance jio makes the world digital..
Reviewed Reliance Jio
Reliancejio is provide best serviceto all customers, nowthis present timemany peoples are easilyto connectwith theinternetthroughthe reliancejio.And jioRead more...
Hotmail provide the best services....
Reviewed Hotmail
Hotmail is a very good and safety mail server because its very attractive to its name and gives the high security feature to its user and one is most importanRead more...
Honda activa is non as horse activa ....
Reviewed Honda Activa
No Doubt! honda activa is a good looking, easily maintenance and gives good mileage . it is a very attractive to its name and it gives 50 to 60 kmph speed anRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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LifeCell International Pvt Ltd (@LifeCell_CSMouthShut Verified Member)
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