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Member Since:Feb 19, 2016
137 MS Points
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What makes u neerja after watching...
Reviewed Neerja
The film Neerja has been carrying a lot of expectations and it is based on the life of Neerja Bhanot who was shot dead by terrorists who hijacked Pan Am FlighRead more...
Its a nice phone with good specs..
Reviewed Lenovo K3 Note
I purchased this phone in July last year. I am a moderate user. I purchased this phone after reading the specs. The major problem that I face with this phone Read more...
Awasome price with good budget phone.
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi 2 Prime
I recently bought redmi 2 prime .in terms of specification and build quality its is good phone. It consist of 1.2 ghz procession with good graphics. I used tRead more...
Sanam Re ,reviews
Reviewed Sanam Re
If u want to fully understand the struggles of newcommers without godparents in hindi film industry. Seriously divya khosla kumar? Was sanam re ur dream movieRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on maninderkalsi's review
Nice and funny movie .good from previous
Rated on maninderkalsi's review
Commented on soumyan24's review
New phone in the market but good spec.
Rated on soumyan24's review
Commented on cryptichead's review
Makes cries.awasome movie
Rated on cryptichead's review
Commented on mintumine's review
Good quality last longing product.
Rated on mintumine's review
Commented on manchandaanurag's review
Iike acer good lappy.durable
Rated on manchandaanurag's review
Rated on akshayghargine113's review
Commented on akshayghargine113's review
Lenovo k3 note is good phone with good specs and build quality.i like that phone
Rated on satyahanieez's review
Commented on satyahanieez's review
I want to admission for my son is it very expensive.
Rated on yogeshranoli's review
Commented on yogeshranoli's review
Is it true.
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