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Member Since:Jun 13, 2016
220 MS Points
I m rapper and song writer Or kya maze loo or lenedo dusro ko . music, rapping, modeling, acting, make a fighting screen
About Me
Education: 12th pass, B.a in progress
Food and Drinks: punir pulav and thums upBooks: jungle book Movie Stars: Salman khanMovies: caption America the first avnger T.V. Shows: Dragon ball ZMusic: Rap music Quotes: do not be same one be better
Food and Drinks: punir pulav and thums up
Books: jungle book
Movie Stars: Salman khan
Movies: caption America the first avnger
T.V. Shows: Dragon ball Z
Music: Rap music
Quotes: do not be same one be better
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Ever green tom and jerry
Reviewed Tom and Jerry
This show is very awesome when I was a kid and watch this show always and 3 to 4 hours I never miss this show I still watch this maybe you you also but not daRead more...
Killer panda
Reviewed Kung Fu Panda 3
Hello whats up guys today we are talking about Kung fu panda 3 this movie is animation movies cool graphics and enteresting movie. In this moive we see real Read more...
Reviewed Baaghi (2016)
This movie is f* awesome men the action of this movie is very interesting and the fighting skills of Tiger Shroff we all know about it we all know the addressRead more...
Really impressive
Reviewed WhatsApp
WhatsApp is very useful for normal life if we forget something we need to call him or her but now we have a WhatsApp. we can share photos and videos with WhaRead more...
Really good for Dogs
Reviewed Pedigree
The best food for dog is Pedigree. Pedigree have lots of nutrients carbohydrates and the thing every dog need to have. Pedigree have meet rice and vegetablesRead more...
Worst app ever
Reviewed Youtube Downloader HD
Youtube is very popuarl  site yor watching videls but we olny watch these videos we can not download these for downloading these videos we  have a app that naRead more...
The best thing in this world after water and food
Reviewed Youtube
My all time personal Favourite Wep site. I never fell bor when I am watching Videos on youtube it always Gives you something new and new. On youtube I can nRead more...
You are a Singer not a actor Full boring
Reviewed Zorawar
So these  days we are watching some singers in movie so you know what is result man You are a singer so why want to be a actor man.Honey singh is  looking avRead more...
Appearance is Good but Quality is bad
Reviewed Myntra
Mynta.com is very popural site in who want to wear style and Uniqe Clothing. But the site says best Quality in best price but its not look like as it is the QRead more...
Oooh man Now Danta manjan
Reviewed Patanjali Divya Danta Manjan
We all Know about patanjali. He is a first who know about Yoga maybe . Now some people making money with this name and make many products like Shope, Churan Read more...
1warranty after 2year not work gud not everything
Reviewed Homeshop18
If you are like to buy things online and think to purched reaally so stop now ! . Today I will tell you why you do not shopping on HS 18. The thing they appRead more...
If you thinking to watch this movie so wait Why ?
Reviewed X-Men: Apocalypse
This is the movie I can just easliy say Amazing ( Faadu) you loved it. This is the movie about some Mutants who can not handel there power and they learn to uRead more...
Fogg is joke
Reviewed Fogg Deodorant
I use fogg but noo. I can not hendel his smell .Smel is very very storng if you never use fogg I shall recomed you to never ever use fogg if you fell prty toRead more...
Special memory are back with Google Photo
Reviewed Google Photos
We all clicks many photos with smartphones and some are really memory of our life . Many times we bent on to restor and ears our phone and memory card in whiRead more...
No words about asha 302
Reviewed Nokia Asha 302
Really bullshit Nokia asha 302. If you want to kill yourself please buy nokia asha buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy Please by nokia asha 302 it will help you Read more...
By if you want to waste your money
Reviewed Karbonn Titanium S1 Plus
HELLo Friends, Today we are talking about such a worst mobile phone I ever seen it is Karbonn titanium S1 plus. The worst thing about this mobile phone is IRead more...
Bhai jaan Fans are Ready to be a Sultan
Reviewed Sultan
This movie is a most awaited movie for me and also for who are fan of Salman bhai .Salman khan is the finest actor in our bollywood Movie industry maybe so alRead more...
No one is Better than DBZ
Reviewed Dragon Ball Z
Dragon ball Z is the best cartoon show I ever see. I didnt remember when I were start to watch Dragon ball Z . this is my favourite Animation show . I lRead more...
APPLE Iphone 4s My first and last choice
Reviewed Apple iPhone 4s
The first thing about is apple is that apple is the one of the best company in this world who we have . Today we are talking about apple phone is know as iphoRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Hmmn yes #Honestopine thnks for reading my review
Commented on imkiller333's review
This is very good wepsite for earning man and your were also so amzing man
Followed nilofardock
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Rahul bhanker (@Rahul48868548MouthShut Verified Member)
ajaymittal151 (@ajaymittal151MouthShut Verified Member)
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Mahi Tonger (@mahitonger4MouthShut Verified Member)
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Riya Tyagi (@royacri06MouthShut Verified Member)
Reena Prasad (@reenapd10MouthShut Verified Member)
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