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Member Since:Jan 18, 2016
551 MS Points
Student of B.E
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Telenor mobile
Reviewed Telenor Mobile Operator
The sim card of telenor is good bit not so good that we can say him good . The customer service centre, is not bad. The network coverage is also very good. ThRead more...
Stylished product
Reviewed WD My Passport Ultra 2TB
I have used this product for 10 months, this product is a very good.  Once time this product failed during my work that time I called the customer care and toRead more...
Pathetic service
Reviewed Bajaj TC 2007 Room Air Cooler
I buy this cooler in last summer and within 4 month it atop working and I was very dispointed with that how it is possible that cooler such a big company stopRead more...
Very nice lappi
Reviewed Dell Inspiron N5030
This is very good laptop, I had three dell laptop through a working. First one was nice, built like a tank and bomb proof. It was having very good price.  I hRead more...
Amazing deal.....
Reviewed Snapdeal
The site of buying the product very food only and only snapdeal. I have  a experience of this site since 3year because I use this site for buy product which aRead more...
Nice network
Reviewed Aircel Mobile Operator
The sum card of aircel is good but not so good that we can say him good. The customer service center is  not bad. The  network coverage is also good. This neRead more...
Owesome game playing
Reviewed Sony Playstation 2
This thing is just build for gaming dont has done very wondering job designining it. The design of ps2 is awesome goes well with game ing. Setup or mediRead more...
Very nice network
Reviewed Idea Mobile Operator
Idea network is a very fast because I have a experience of this network since 4 year. Me, my relatives are also this network. The speed of internets are also Read more...
This is very nice uni ersity
Reviewed Manipal Institute of Technology
It is a very nice university because my related are get education by yhis university graduation. This university have a very nice campus north and south campuRead more...
Its a "lenovo a6000 plus "
Reviewed Lenovo A6000 Plus
This is a mobile is a very essential for anything people.  This mobile is very much better than others mobile device beacuase of its have 2gb ram and thRead more...
Owwsome Xiaomi mi 4i
Reviewed Xiaomi Mi 4i
Xiaomi mi 4i mobile is a very essential  because of its handling is easy to every one person which are not most educated. The sound system of this mobiRead more...
Reviewed Apple iPad Air 2 WiFi 128GB
Apple I pad is very useful because of its full screen are help to work clearly.  The storage of iPad also very larger which are used to store the many Read more...
Stylish mobile
Reviewed Lenovo Vibe K4 Note
Lenovo vibe k4 note handset is very easy to use for any person whos who havent knowledge of any.mobile.  this mobile have 3gb ram to run the app very faRead more...
Precious mobiles
Reviewed Yu Yureka Plus
Yu yureka plus mobile is a very  essential for anyone person which are not educated.beacuase this mobiles is very easy to use.  The storage of this mobile is Read more...
Good in network
Reviewed Vodafone Mobile Operator
Vodafone mobile operators is very quickly and fast to give a good services to customer. network is also very effective.  Internet speed of vodafone is have aRead more...
Precious mobile
Reviewed Lenovo K3
Lenovo k3 mobiles has very good features and useful camera. Camera of this mobiles have a very outstanding  performance with 13 Mega pixel  real camera and 5 Read more...
No orgument in our network
Reviewed BSNL 3G Mobile Operator
BSNL MOBILE network have a very high speed internet and the speciality of network is to provide the new and special offers  to customer. This network give a Read more...
Outstanding mobile
Reviewed Lenovo A6000 Shot
Lenovo a6000 shot mobile is essential in that price. This is also very good in camera performance and battery also. It is also easy to play game and run the aRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on ROYALJAI's review
Nice bro .
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Very useful .
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Commented on luckr818's review
Thnks for shrr
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Commented on akshayx6191's review
Nice review .
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Commented on swapnilgautam27's review
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Commented on maharajaofmlk's review
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Commented on nandakishore2013's review
Thnks for info
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Commented on prakashsoni195's review
Thnks for suggest
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Commented on raigaurav123's review
I like this
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Commented on sameerinayat's review
Its a useful
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