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Member Since:Oct 13, 2021
0 MS Points
An octogeneraian atheist who seen it all and willing to see more as long as I live
About Me
Education: Graduate in Engineering
Food and Drinks: Water and indian foodBooks: Science books Movie Stars: NoneMovies: Hitchcock thrillers and classicsT.V. Shows: NoneMusic: Classical western musicQuotes: Simplicity is the ulitmate sophistication
Food and Drinks: Water and indian food
Books: Science books
Movie Stars: None
Movies: Hitchcock thrillers and classics
T.V. Shows: None
Music: Classical western music
Quotes: Simplicity is the ulitmate sophistication
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Buy this end up with no service
Reviewed Aquaguard Jazz UV+UF+AC Water Purifier
Their selling talents were unparalleled, but the baggage of providing after sales service was heavy and keeping them from flying high. So they brought serviceRead more...
BAD is a compliment but LOUSY is appropriate
Reviewed Industry Buying
Industry buying is an extremely creative enterprise. They dont break the law while carrying out their business yet you realize you have been cheated at Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
I abhor air travel but cannot think of any better option for travel in India. My wife and I often travel by air in economy class - crudely known as cattle class - shuttling between our home in the South to other parts of India. To keep costs under control, I scan the various offers from the low-co Read more...
Humans and Machines Should Mr Friday return today with his boss Mr Robinson Crusoe, after being marooned for over fifty years on a desert island, they would be astounded and amazed by what they see around them. I have not been marooned or was in any slumber during the past fifty years. I have been Read more...
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