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Member Since:Feb 09, 2006
0 MS Points
life is short... so smile a lot, enjoy life.. if i can talk, i can sing.. if i can walk, i can dance... if i can breathe, i can very well smile!!! :):):). drving, drivin.. and more driving...! :):) that wud bring travelling, meeting people, learning about other cultures, tryin new foods along with it... a song n dance, a jig with frenz, chattin with stangers, a good discussion,,, these are things i wudn't miss...
About Me
Education: engg..!!! eek, thats soo common these days..
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Reviewed Rang De Basanti
this is one movie that left me heart broken... you can call me emotional , sentimental.. or anythin else that you feel, but I was heartbroken... not just coz Read more...
Memories of your first kiss...
Reviewed Skoda Octavia RS 1.8 T
ive written a few reviews here and if any of u have been good enough to read them, you will understand that it is passion that goes for me... the car shRead more...
Dil ka connection..
Reviewed Mahindra Classic
There are very few out there, very few I say in the motoring world that can satisfy all your senses... every tin can out there has its own defects... so I seeRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on maddys's review
Commented on maddys's review
hey buddy... this is one good review... what i like de best was the lack of big words or flowery phrases... it really shows that you love your phone!! :) and absolutely to the point... i agree with you that quite a few things in today's market are 'girly', as you put it... seems the opposite sex spe Read More...
Rated on amrila's review
Followed amrila , maddys
i've got a roommate who owns a matiz... and he doesn't stop raving about it. i guess i wont be too off the mark terming it as a good small-family car... sad to say, good things die young.
Commented on amrila's review
the way u hav written the review is commendable.. truly taken pains to compare every aspect of the airline... but recently i had the pleasure of travellin by kingfisher. behind all the glitz, the big promos, cute chick air hostess(which could be an obvious ploy, by Vijay Mallaya, to pull more male Read More...
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