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Member Since:Jan 19, 2010
316 MS Points
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Pure for Sure Aquafina Water Bottle
Reviewed Aquafina
I am here again to express my opinion on Aquafina packed water bottle. This is among the best pure water at a decent price that one can get in the market. TheRead more...
Lays - American Style a party maker
Reviewed Lays Potato Chips
I would like to share my opinion on Lays - American Style potato chips.  The best part about this chips is that they come in different size and different packRead more...
Kills all bacteria and cleans water very well
Reviewed Pureit Classic 23 L Water Purifier
I would like to express my views on the new Pure it Classic 23L Water Purifier, I personally believe that this new purifier really is one among the lot at pufRead more...
One of the Worst in the Series
Reviewed Hero Karizma ZMR 2014
I am writing this with regard to hero Karizma XMR, I found this bike lacking in features that one expects from the indian roady bike. This bike is seriously nRead more...
New Macbook in this Series
Reviewed Apple MacBook Pro MJLQ2HN/A
I would like to express my views on new macbook series that has launched recently.  This new Apple macbook pro gives you advance option to complete your task Read more...
Dilwale Songs & Reviews
Reviewed Dilwale Songs
Some songs are just meant to sooth your mind and give a relaxation feeling while you are in mid of stress. Dilwale has got some soothing music and excellent dRead more...
Review on Samsung Galaxy A9 Pro
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy A9 Pro
This is something that samsung has come up in the market. It has got 5.6 inch screen a little smaller than the Galaxy A9. with 6.0 inch Amloed display. Since Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on awanishdubey3's review
As it is moto it has to have the different form and shape. All different feature.
Rated on awanishdubey3's review
Commented on hpkulkarni1987's review
I somehow do not agree as this is one of the best four wheeler in the market. XUV has the sheer power and milage
Rated on hpkulkarni1987's review
Commented on ShaDoW07's review
Moto always have a distinctive features unlike the other phones
Commented on OshoJain's review
I would love to watch this movie soon. Little caught up
Rated on OshoJain's review
Commented on rupalipatilcute's review
Pickles have been tradition in india no food is served without pickles.
Rated on rupalipatilcute's review
Commented on jaysuryaprasath123's review
reliance has got some serious connectivity issues need to fix them
Rated on jaysuryaprasath123's review
Commented on delmatfel's review
my little hearts as usual good source of time pass
Rated on delmatfel's review
Commented on yogeshranoli's review
I totally agree that this kind of water coolers are of no use these days. We need AC
Rated on yogeshranoli's review
Commented on Ahmedb763's review
i will watch this movie over weekend with my family, Sanam re - Love the tune
Rated on Ahmedb763's review
Commented on chikky1991's review
I always had this PDF problem. Now it seems to be sorted
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