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Member Since:Jun 11, 2007
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Ok Ok Phone
Reviewed Nokia N91
I bought this Phone just a week back. Nokia N91, A 4GB Phone, With Nokia HeadSet. I Use Sony Ericcson W700i till last week. I decided to buy a new one with Read more...
Power with Economy
Reviewed Hero Honda Super Splendor
Many complain saying that splendour is commuters bike. But here comes the super splendour, Power, Looks, Reliability, Economy, Features, Maintanance and finaRead more...
Think Before buying
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar DTSi
Pics. Goto a showroom and have a close look at the bike you will I have a CBZ Xtreme leaving pulsar 150 due ti my extensive research and advices from profesRead more...
Super Phone
Reviewed Sony Ericsson W700i
This is one rigid and excellent phone. By this time my W700i is 9 months old and its still strong. Fell countless times from my hand, broken the glass on thRead more...
CBX Xtreme. Go for it
Reviewed Hero Honda CBZ Xtreme
Back with my Review at 4600KM. This is my 3rd review on the bike. As in my previous reviews, I will go Step By Step. You can Find my previous review below Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
New CBZX Gives 50+ as said by company. Mine gives 60kmpl+. Unicorn is also good bike, But After Sales Service is good by Hero Honda. But Do test ride, and decide yourself. CBZX is known for its power, Acc and handing. Well old CBZ Model used to give less mileage cos its 165cc and other aspects Read More...
Commented on 82.harish's review
Hi Harish Was nice one, i want to know few more things here. 1. Does it have megabass as in Walkman series phones? 2. Can we operate player even when keypad locked? 3. Does it come with Walkman Series earphones or ordinary ones? all these features are in W5xx, W7xx. I have u Read More...
Hi Bharath Even i did not expect 55+ mileage from CBZX, i was expecting 50. As i told i use only SHELL and Indian Oil Premium petrol. Onroad when i bought was 66K. I tried only once in late night on NH9, took it to 120kmph. I did not want to take risk. And my bike was pretty new at that tim Read More...
Hi Waseem Any bike you buy, First goto showroom, have a very good look on all the aspects. Sit on it and check out your comfortability level with the bike. If you want to know abt the mileage, you have to take public opinion, ask any guy on road why is driving they bike that you are intend Read More...
Mr m_sthosh Well that was again nice set of sarcastic statements by you. I appreciate your knowledge in english and geometry. But, once draw two lines at 60degrees and 110 degrees angled. And check which resembles a proper curve. And i am reaelly happy that you are going to turn at 110k Read More...
'a curve or bend in the road that you cannot see around as you are driving' Thats meaning of Blind Curve from dictionary.com. Curve is anywhere between 91 to 179 degrees for your information. Blind curves have higher degrees. And coming to other bikes skidding at 100km. Not at 100 try on pu Read More...
Hi m_sthosh I dont find anything wrong in using CBZ for new CBZ Xtreme. Well, its much better than launching new bikes with same name, same looks with different engine capacity. All companies have their own marketing strategy. as far as hero honda, CBZ is their one of the best bike, CBZ Xtr Read More...
Hi m_sthosh Well that was a good joke. Commonsense is not so common, you proved it again. I hope you know the meaning of BLIND CURVE. It means a long curve, where you cant see a vehicle coming in opposite direction. You can try on any bike, some may turn some may skid.
Hi Mr. m_sthosh Well i dont have words to say about your silly questions. Any how as far its concerned with the name, its doesnt matter whether its derived from CBZ or other brand. If you bike is doing well its all enough. and CBZX is doing that. Present situation, CBZ Xtreme is doing well Read More...
and mr.denzy! I have already specified in my previous comments that its a mixed review of both the bikes. You can check my Xtreme review, its the same. Just few days back i have updated my review on Xtreme.
Well Gururaj, Hero Honda does not pay me for writing reviews on CBZ Xtreme or bajaj pay me. All i have written is facts. If your friends bike gives 33-35, just check out whether its new CBZ Xtreme or Old one. If thats Xtreme, then your friend really needs to learn driving. I bet you. Give hime sp Read More...
Hi Pavan_1585 CBZX mileage before first servicing is 48-50, after first servicing its 55+kmpl
Mr. Herono, First get your GK right. HH is not a Cycle Company. Hero Cycles is a cycle company. And Ask any one what is meant by garbage box. You might be nuts to say that its from garbage box. Hope get your screw tight. And coming to your orkut community. Orkut is full of spam people, whole world Read More...
Its just a commonsense, all turns cant be done at 100kmph, but there are 'Blind Curves' where you can do at 100kmph. I have written in the reviews because i have done it.
Rated on fenix's review
Well this is review of two bikes, i said that i have rode both the bikes for more than 1000km. and i have written by observings. Well there is nothing overboard effort, its just the analysis done with all aspects in mind of the both bikes, if you treat this as ad, thats not your mistake. I am not ur Read More...
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