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Member Since:Jul 06, 2015
401 MS Points
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Best litchi and mango flavour
Reviewed Natural Ice Cream - Mahavir Nagar - Kandivali West - Mumbai
The location is easy to find. And the ambiance of this ice cream parlour is amazing. There are arrangements to sit and people order in a row so its systematicRead more...
Chicken and mutton !
Reviewed Lata Restaurant - Kandivali - Mumbai
The two favourites over here. You have any one of it let it be any dish the taste wont go. The way they make their chicken is different, amazing and a secret Read more...
All facilities are provided!
Reviewed Jamnabai Narsee School - Juhu - Mumbai
You need anything in a school is available right here. One of the best services are pick and drop service. They have their own school buses for students, thisRead more...
Manoj super rich!
Reviewed Manoj Ice Cream - Borivali - Mumbai
Manoj ice cream is a very old place, its been here since a long time and this has its goodwill. It has many outlets also. Thee ice cream rolls are the best hRead more...
Energizing strawberry!
Reviewed Has Juice Bar - Kandivali - Mumbai
Its a lovely place. HAS juice bar has opened up recently in mahavir nagar which is in kandivali. Only this was needed to be opened in that area, rest all the Read more...
Reviewed Dosa Delight & Chaat Chatpati - Kandivali - Mumbai
In the food court of raghuleela mall there are a lot of food corners. The third floor is filled with game zone and food centers. The best availability here inRead more...
Paneer bhurji sandwich !!
Reviewed Guru's Joy - Borivali - Mumbai
I think that Gurus Joy is a very nice and worthy place to go. It can be preferred as a lunch place or a snack place or a dinner place. But its onlRead more...
A place for chat lovers.
Reviewed Satnam Golden Fast Food Center - Kandivali West - Mumbai
Here youll find the most number of chat lovers and spice lovers. There are a lot of fast food centers nearby. This is one of the good ones. The ambiancRead more...
Shut down!
Reviewed Chai Pyali - Kandivali West - Mumbai
This place was really nice for early morning beverages and breakfast. We used to get nice breakfast and snacks over here. But its shut now, you wonRead more...
Amazing non veg at less rates
Reviewed Amrut Restaurant Bar - Borivali - Mumbai
Amrut restaurant is in sion also. And its an old place, it is here from a long time. The place is average. The best place you can go at, at such less rate. SoRead more...
A dish named humpty dumpty!
Reviewed Link View Restaurant and Bar - Borivali - Mumbai
Link view fine dine, is a very nice restaurant. A place that can make your evening with is food and its drinks. It is located on the main link road onlyRead more...
Just one of the regular places to go!
Reviewed The Veg Treat - Borivali - Mumbai
The Veg Treat is a well known place here in shimpoli. People over here visit this place often, it is one of the places which we visit regularly. At least twicRead more...
Cute and yummy pastries!
Reviewed Bake Bites - Kandivali - Mumbai
This is the only nice bakery that youll find around here. This one is very famous and well known for its breads cakes and pastries. The most decorRead more...
Take it home!
Reviewed Aakash China Point - Borivali - Mumbai
One of the Tastiest Chinese Ive ever had. I am a big fan of chinese food, and I try out every place which serves Chinese. This is one if them. I came heRead more...
Raspberry riffle and chocolate shake!
Reviewed Top N Town Ice Cream - Borivali - Mumbai
Top and town is a very famous brand. It is expanding day by day. They have opened up their ice cream Parlours in all the corners. This outlet here is aRead more...
Lovely ambiance!
Reviewed The Veg Treat II - Borivali - Mumbai
The entrance just amazed me. It was so well decorated and designed. It had a fresh feeling from outside only. So the start and the entry was pretty good. TheRead more...
Amul, a well known brand!
Reviewed Amul Ice Cream Parlour - TPS Road - Borivali - Mumbai
As we all know amul is at its best now. It is one of the best and well known brands. And it has opened and creating more and more outlets all over. These outlRead more...
Lovely pav bhaji.
Reviewed Maa Anjani Pav Bhaji Center - Borivali - Mumbai
Well, it would be better if we dont talk about the ambiance here much. But the food is something that we can talk about. This place is very good. Ive bRead more...
Best Chinese at best rates!
Reviewed Amber - Bandra - Mumbai
Amber is its a medium size restaurant with 2 and a half star rating. It is not that spacious but people here mostly dont hang out here. They just come Read more...
Mootichoor laddo
Reviewed Brijwasi Sweets - Bandra - Mumbai
Brijwasi has its outlets all over. They say that it had established in 1946. And with this, today we can trust in its performance and quality. This outlet in Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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monkbychoice (@monkbychoiceMouthShut Verified Member)
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Aakriti Thakur (@HealthiansMouthShut Verified Member)
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Nag D (@seshunagaMouthShut Verified Member)
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subash2025638 (@subash2025638MouthShut Verified Member)
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ShaDaB Mobile Center (@akhtarniaxi99MouthShut Verified Member)
Shiva Shanker (@Reddy1647MouthShut Verified Member)
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