Meezaan Jaffrey is an upcoming Hindi cinema actor and assistant director who made his Bollywood debut in the film Malaal. He is popularly known as the son of famous Bollywood actor and comedian, Javed Jaffrey. Before making his film debut as an actor, Meezaan Jaffrey worked as an assistant director for Sanjay Leela Bhansali's directorial Baajirao Mastani. The film was a commercial hit and under the guidance of one of Bollywood's biggest filmmakers, Meezaan came into the spotlight and gained much appreciation.
Meezaan Jaffri excels at dancing in addition to acting, and he learned the art from his father, Javed Jaffrey. In addition, he stated in one of his interviews that he had other ambitions for his career and never intended to work in the Bollywood film industry. However, he does come from a family of directors and actors, so he suddenly entered the business and began acting. Meezan enjoys listening to music and dancing in his free time. He has training in both martial arts and theatre. He is close to his mother and dislikes how controlling his father, Javed Jaffrey, is. Meezan has no desire to work in the film or fashion industries. He had a greater passion for music and sports. He decided to enrol in a business course for that reason. But as he worked towards his business degree, he came to the conclusion that business wasn't for him.
Meezaan also has a very strong social media presence and is loved by his fans. He inspires the younger generation by serving them some brilliant fashion goals. Meezaan has always given his best at what he does and is committed to entertaining his fans with his work. He is working on a few new projects and we wish him all the best for his upcoming films in the years to come.
1. Yaariyan 2