The daughter of legendary Bollywood actress, Sridevi, and film producer Boney Kapoor, Khushi Kapoor is an Indian actress who is soon to make her Bollywood debut in Zoya Khan's Netflix film The Archies. Khushi was born in Mumbai and pursued her schooling in the same city. When she completed her schooling, she flew to the USA to attend the New York Film Academy for her acting lessons. Khushi is also well-regarded as an internet sensation for holding a strong social media presence while she is very active on it.
Khushi also has a huge fan following on social media due to her much-admired beauty, fashion statements, and dress sense. Khushi was always drawn to dancing and performing because she was raised in the largest family in the movie industry. She actually seems to have inherited her flawless acting from her late mother, Sridevi. Boney Kapoor in the recent past had announced Khushi's acting debut and ever since then, Khushi has been very delicately working on her debut film.
Khushi currently has been working on two different projects simultaneously and both of them look really promising. Since she inherits most of her good looks and acting skills from her mother, she surely is going to charm the Indian audience with her on-screen performances. While we sit back and wait to see her soon on the silver screen, we wish Khushi all the very best for her upcoming films. We are super excited and thrilled to see what this young actress has in store for us in the coming years as she evolves into one of Bollywood's superstars in the future.
Here's The List of Khushi Kapoor Movies