Prabhas Upcoming Movies, List, Release Date

Updated on : Jan 31, 2024 9:27 AM
Prabhas Upcoming Movies, List, Release Date

Actor Prabhas is a well-known and distinguished figure in Indian film. Given his film industry experience, it was evident that Prabhas had a natural affinity for movies. In the Telugu cinema business, his father, U. Suryanarayana Raju, was a well-known film producer. With a deep enthusiasm for movies, Prabhas began his acting career in 2002 with Eshwar. 

After making his acting debut, Prabhas soon gained recognition as a well-known figure in the Telugu cinema industry. Many moviegoers, particularly some of the directors and producers, began to fall in love with him because of his distinct style and manly appeal. In 2010, one of his greatest successes was the romantic comedy Darling. Many moviegoers enjoyed the picture and gave it outstanding ratings because it was a novel experience for them. 

Later, when moviegoers began to enjoy Prabhas' on-screen persona and recognize his skill and diligence, he went on to work on some of the finest action movies in the Telugu film industry. He quickly attracted a sizable following of people who had already grown to like him and his contributions to the Telugu cinema business, and they would anxiously await the release of his next movie. Prabhas always desired a career-defining part to establish himself as one of the greatest talents in the Telugu cinema industry, even if he had made some progress toward that goal as a lead actor. 

The movie that defined his career was "Baahubali: The Beginning" (2015). His part in it just caused a major stir, not only in India but all across the world. The movie and its plot became the buzz of the year, breaking the internet. Everyone genuinely enjoyed and treasured the movie, which shattered several records! After Baahubali, Prabhas starred in several movies, and his talent never ceased to wow his family and friends

1. Kalki 2898 AD

Release Date May 09,2024
Star Cast Prabhas, Amitabh Bachhan, Deepika Padukone
DirectorNag Ashwin
ProducerC Aswani Dutt
GenreScience, Fiction

Here's The List of Prabhas Upcoming Movies

No.Movie NameExpected Release Date
1.Kalki 2898 ADMay 09,2024